If you can’t fulfill your dream of traveling to Prague, let your doll replace you. In Prague, the staff of “Doll Travel Agency” will arrange a perfect trip to Prague for your beloved doll, help it to take photos with Prague landmarks, and send you all kinds of dolls in the journey via email every day.” Seeing and hearing” and “feeling”.
If your doll has special habits, for example, it is a “vegan” or is not yet the age of “drinking”, “doll travel agency” will also help you “supervise” it, as long as you allow, let your doll and other ” It’s okay for the members to have a picnic.
   Maybe you think all this sounds silly, but Tomio Okumla, the founder of “Doll Travel Agency”, takes it seriously as a serious business.
  Creativity comes from the movie
Okumla is not the first to think of letting a doll travel instead of himself, and naturally it will not be the last, but he is the first in the world to operate this ridiculous thing in the eyes of others as a business, and Made money from it.
   Previously, a French movie “Angels Love Beauty” had such a plot: the protagonist’s father who loves beauty has been very depressed after the death of his lover. In order to make him happy, Ai Meili secretly stole his beloved garden dwarf, and asked a friend who was a stewardess to take the dwarf to the world to take pictures, and then sent the photo to her father in the name of the dwarf to let him The love for life was rekindled.
   Inspired by the movie, Okemra originally planned to do the same, steal his girlfriend’s beloved doll, let the doll travel the world by himself, and send back photos to make his girlfriend happy. It is a pity that Okumla has no stewardess friends, nor can he find anyone who travels around the world and is willing to do this for him, so this plan has no choice but to stop.
   Reality show “forced” the business
   At this time, Okemla was still just a decorator, usually helping the boss in a hardware store to look at the shop, and life was unremarkable. The turning point came after Okemra met the advertiser Zack.
At that time, Czechs were crazy to watch a venture capital reality show called “Brave into the Dragon Pool”. Participants put forward their entrepreneurial plans. After layers of tests and the affirmation of 5 entrepreneurial judges, they can get investment and get one Venture funds.
  Sack encouraged Okemla to participate, and Okemla thought of the business of doll travel. At first, Okemla was also worried that his entrepreneurial plan was too wild and unbounded. After weighing it, he finally decided to use “Doll Travel Agency” as his entrepreneurial plan. “This is a business that can make people happy. It’s different from other businesses. It’s not so utilitarian, and it’s not just for making money. I think the jury likes it.”
   Due to lack of experience, Okemla performed poorly and almost passed the opportunity.