There is an old man collecting dung in the village, Uncle Wang. One morning a few years ago, he was begged by a ghost when he went outside the village to collect dung.

That day, the sky was still dark, it was dark outside, and there was nothing to see. After he got up, holding a flashlight, he planned to go to a small river outside the village to collect manure. Because of the luxuriant aquatic plants growing along the small river, villagers often go there to herd sheep, so that there is a lot of sheep dung everywhere, and sheep dung is the best fertilizer for pile crops in the field. Old people in the village are He likes to come here to pick up the sheep dung, so he is afraid that he won’t be able to pick up the dung later, so he will get up so early.

On the way to that small river, you have to pass through a chaotic graveyard, and this chaotic graveyard is very dirty, and villagers often encounter strange things here.

For example: There was an old man named Qin in the village. One day he drove to a Yuanji. When he came back from the market and came to this chaotic grave, the sky was dark. He didn’t hold a flashlight, and there was no moon in the sky, so he felt the darkness and walked forward. He walked all night and didn’t get home. At first he thought he had gone the wrong way, so he walked for so long and didn’t get home. At dawn, he realized that he had been walking around the graveyard all night without turning out. Only then did he realize that he had encountered a ghost hitting the wall here, and he couldn’t get out.

There is also a young man named Qiangzi in the village who has encountered weird things here. A few years ago, Qiangzi worked outside and went home once a year. . Once his father fell ill, his mother called him and asked him to take time off to treat his father. After receiving a call from his mother, he asked for a leave of absence from his boss, and rushed home the same day. When he got out of the car and walked to this chaotic grave, it was already in the middle of the night. I can still see the road, and the night wind blew through the leaves of the large poplar trees in the chaotic graveyard and made a whining sound, as if someone was crying, crying very desolately! Qiangzi was young and courageous, and he didn’t feel scared. Just as he was about to take a step forward, he suddenly heard a weak voice behind him: “Young man, I can’t walk anymore, please carry me. Young man, I…” He turned his head and saw an old man sitting beside a grave behind him, beckoning to him. He thought it was an old man passing by. He was tired and had no strength to go, so he begged himself to carry it. Yes, thinking about it this way, he came to the old man and said: “Master, come on, I will carry you on my back.” Then, he carried the old man and walked forward. When he began to carry the old man on his back, he felt that the old man’s body was very light. Later, he didn’t know what was going on. The more he carried him forward, the more he felt that his body was very heavy. The stone was so heavy that he couldn’t breathe. When he was about to come to the village with the old man on his back, the day broke and the old roosters in the village crowed. He was too tired, so he wanted to put down the old man to rest: “Uncle, you are in the village, come down.” Then, he turned his head and looked at the old man behind him.