In the framework, women have done particularly well, especially in terms of relationships and connectivity.

What is the ultimate demonstration of leadership? There are many people who are willing to join you, follow you, maintain a good relationship with you, and complete a task together.

But if people follow you, but you have no way to dispel their worries and encourage everyone, slowly no one will follow you. In this way, you can only do it alone, there is no way to generate revenue, there is no way to grow your business, and there is no way to grow your company.

Compared with men, women have a more holistic view, knowing where is the macro perspective of what is happening, not to mention the performance of emotional intelligence and emotion. Female leadership also has many advantages in the way of constructing company culture and corporate culture.

There are three dimensions in the process of practicing meta-leadership:

① People

As an individual, if you want to practice meta-leadership, you must first believe that you can do it as a leader and be aware of your ability to do it. Otherwise, there is no way for others to believe in you, recognize you, and follow you.

② Situation

There are many things happening around us, and there are many scenarios. Although we are not the creators of this scenario, we must understand it, understand it, and find a specific solution. Of course, we have to lead those who follow us in different directions.

If you are a boss, you have to lead your employees to ensure that your employees are productive; if you play as a “leader” type of employees, you need to lead your boss up. You must let everyone understand what is happening around you, as well as the current situation and situation. You must also let your leader and your employees understand where you are now and what your situation is.

③ Unicom

There are different departments in the company, and people in different departments must work together to overcome the crisis, so we must achieve cross-departmental leadership. Sometimes it is even necessary to connect and communicate with government agencies outside the company and lead them.

In this process, your communication is very important to the entire company, especially when everyone wants to solve the crisis.

You can only succeed if you make sure that everyone in the system is heading in the same direction.

2. When practicing meta-leadership, don’t forget that things are complicated

Leonard J. Marcus (Co-founder of Harvard University Emergency Leadership Initiative (NPLI))

On the topic of practicing meta-leadership, there is one difference between me and Marcus-complexity.

We may be in a relatively peaceful environment now. What if there is chaos? Just like when there is no epidemic, we have to imagine what to do when the virus emerges, or when the economic state is running smoothly, we imagine what to do if the economy declines and the social environment becomes chaotic.

Any situation may affect our relationship with others and thus affect the execution of leadership. Many things are changing, and these variables play their respective roles in the system, and all changes will have a huge impact on complexity and crisis management.

So, as a business leader, you must figure out the complexity and understand the relationship between everything. Only in this way can we create more resilience and resilience and grow into a “meta leader.”

Many people think that leadership is a pyramid, the top of the tower is the leader, and below are other people. The meta-leadership model puts the person at the core of the framework. The person is in the most central position. This person can be any person. The TA does not need to have any label or position.

This is a difference between our proposed meta-leadership and traditional leadership. It is closely related to the construction of psychological resilience and the relief of stress.

As mentioned earlier, part of the research on anxiety during the epidemic, everyone is very anxious when the world is still in the crisis of the epidemic. However, as a leader, you must instantly become a crisis manager.

First, you must adjust your mentality and deal with your anxiety first. If you can handle your anxiety well, you will be more likely to lead others.

Secondly, you must become a “meta leader.” This is because “meta-leadership” surpasses authority and can bring more influence to everyone. It is not ordering others to follow you, not ordering others not to be anxious, but to influence others to gradually become less anxious.

So, as a leader, you need to pay great attention to the balance. Only when the balance is good can the entire team and the entire enterprise become more resilient.

3. In the face of uncertainty, learn to predict the future

Eric J. McNulty (Deputy Director of NPLI, Harvard University, Deputy Director of Chen Zengxi School of Public Health)

I want to add to the “scene” that Dr. Marcus just mentioned. There are many different scenarios in the process of doing business. For example, if you want to achieve a business goal, you must imagine different