This article is from WeChat official account:Jiuxing (ID: jiuxing_neweekly), author: Cao migration south, from the title figure: vision China

A plague sweeping the world has made cities that originally symbolized modern civilization become perilous, and the uninhabited islands scattered in the lake and sea suddenly become the coveted land of promise.

Before, there was C Luomai Island temporarily staying to isolate the fake news of the new crown virus. Later, three real hunks from Kyushu, Japan took a hen on the uninhabited island isolation trip.

△Three Japanese men went to escape the epidemic on an uninhabited island

No matter at home or abroad, people are always full of beautiful fantasy about the isolated island. Jin Yong’s Peach Blossom Island, Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe”, or the popular Nintendo game “Animal Crossing Friends” at the beginning of this year.

Who doesn’t want to live a happy life of watering flowers and chopping wood, facing the sea, caring only about food and rutabaga.

At the end of last month, the Department of Natural Resources of Liaoning Province announced the collection standards for the use of funds for islands without residents in (except Dalian) in Liaoning Province, once again Illuminated the dream of the island owner of netizens.
