This article is from WeChat official account:AppSo (ID: appsolution), author: Zhu Hai, from the title figure: vision China

A few days ago, Tencent Weibo suddenly issued an announcement that it will completely stop the service on September 28. Suddenly, there was a “sorrow” on the Internet. Even if many people had forgotten Tencent’s Weibo early, they had to sigh with great fanfare: Hey, my youth!

Tencent Weibo has not tried hard to “rejuvenate”. In 2016, when Sina Weibo was purged, Tencent Weibo announced on Sina Weibo that “the opportunity is finally here” in a high-profile manner, but most people chose “It’s definitely next time.” After finishing speaking, I still choose Sina Weibo to keep reading.

A Weibo product needs to be marketed in another Weibo, which has already explained many problems

It is also applicable within the day, not to mention Tencent Weibo, which has been in the past ten years.

Clicking to the last page, I saw my first Tencent Weibo: the beauty of China! It is a pity that the reprinted content has been deleted by the original author, leaving only countless room for imagination.

As for the content released nearly 2 years after that, I really blushed after reading it.

I used to show off the 1.04 MB/s internet speed. In less than ten years, I have used 500M telecom optical fiber at home, and I felt that it was not fast enough to reach nearly 50 MB/s.

The HOLD sister became popular that year, and she changed her style in a second while making fun of her. It also gave many people spiritual encouragement. Under any circumstances, you can hold your own life. And when “Love Deal” sounded, I couldn’t help but complain. When I can’t find the USB flash drive, I will “show my singing voice” and call for “love flash drive”. Come back soon. Unexpectedly, nearly ten years later, I began to dislike the U disk and fell into the embrace of iCloud.

Sina Weibo with the beta logo

In the spread of user word-of-mouth on Sina Weibo, there was a scene that Tencent was least willing to see, and gradually formed a relatively stable chain of acquaintances. Many users’ following accounts and fans came from people they knew. It is users who manually “carry” from QQ, and it is possible for Sina to find an opportunity to cut into social interaction with acquaintances.

If I remember correctly, at least for me as a QQ space user, after the launch of Sina Weibo, my social interactions with some friends of the same age were transferred to Sina Weibo, and the frequency of opening QQ to write and talk was significantly reduced. .

It is impossible for Tencent not to worry. Tencent Weibo, which was launched quickly in April 2010, is an iron proof.

Tencent Weibo with its own halo, why can’t it be Sina?

In order to distinguish Tencent Weibo from Sina Weibo, follow is changed to listen

More than a year later, in June 2011, Tencent Weibo ushered in its first highlight. It announced that it had 200 million users, leaving Sina Weibo with 140 million users far behind. No matter how you look at it, Tencent Weibo will not go to the point where it announced its closure today, but from the details, the failure of Tencent Weibo has already laid the groundwork.

Tencent Weibo became a social acquaintance, but also failed to socialize.

In order to quickly catch up with Sina Weibo, Tencent used the “ultimate weapon”-Diversion, in a simple and direct way, imported the QQ relationship chain into Tencent Weibo, and also synced Qzone Talk to Tencent Weibo by default. , Which greatly improves product data.

But from the user’s point of view, there are many problems.

The talk of QQ space is more in line with the usage habits of most people at that time. Just click on the entrance in QQ to open it. In addition, there is a chain of acquaintances that have accumulated for several years. Almost every talk can be obtained. There is less interactive feedback, and it is obviously better to use the talk experience. Since the content will be automatically synchronized to Tencent’s Weibo, then simply post on the QQ zone.

It is very convenient to jump from QQ to QQ space

The emergence of Weibo is to meet people’s need to “talk in a mask”. By copying the QQ relationship chain directly to Tencent Weibo, almost every user can quickly determine “who said what”, and must also consider “should I talk like this”, and gradually “no Talk again”. If a celebrity does not turn off the feature of syncing to Tencent’s Weibo, it is estimated that the published content will create a lot of topics.

In addition, everyone agrees that Tencent lacks a bit of media gene. Compared with Sina, which is a media portal, Tencent is slightly inferior in content operation or topic marketing. The combination of “news media attributes + anonymous broadcast voice + celebrity star” on Sina Weibo was unstoppable for the Chinese people who desperately needed to speak on the Internet.

No one expected that in 2011, the dark horse of WeChat came out halfway. It achieved a scale of 30 million users in a short period of time, and 200,000 new users were added daily. Therefore, Ma Huateng said, “Because of WeChat, so, The war on Weibo is over”, which means that Weibo is no longer a key product of Tencent, and naturally it will not get more support. It is reasonable to gradually decline.

However, for Tencent, Tencent Weibo is a strategically extremely successful product. “For Tencent, Tencent Weibo is successful. Its historical mission to snipe Sina has ended and will not restart. Yes.” New media observer Wei Wuhui commented.

The crisis of acquaintances, once again staged in acquaintance social products

For so many years, acquaintance social products have never been able to get out of the “acquaintance curse.”

For example, the products of many major manufacturers are more or less built on the tree of the “acquaintance social” relationship chain. Many products use the acquaintance social relationship chain account to log in with a priority even surpassing the mobile account login.

But social interaction with acquaintances is not a panacea. I have experienced it through Tencent’s Weibo. Nowadays, social products for acquaintances who are already a big business should know best. After the blooming flowers flourished, it ushered in a crisis similar to Tencent’s Weibo-“Overdone”.

“Familiar” is too much, and users don’t like it

Considering that acquaintances are all acquaintances in social products, people are more cautious about posting content, and no longer display it frequently or unreservedly as usual, and don’t want others to see too much of their real life, avoid The risk of being taken out of context by “intentional acquaintances”.

The performance-based mutual dignity maintained by acquaintances through real social relationships is vulnerable to the social relationship crusher of acquaintances’ social products. Some people even thought that the more people who were seen more clearly on the social platforms of acquaintances, the more they stood on the losing side of the social game.

Now, Tencent Weibo is about to leave us. The “Sword of Acquaintances” has already come to other social products of acquaintances, waiting quietly to see how they crack.

This article is from WeChat official account:AppSo (ID: appsolution), author: Zhu Hai