This article is from WeChat official account:Feifeima FM (ID: feifeima-uk)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: Feifei Ma, head of FIG. source: “South station party”

Wan Qian suddenly became popular, what is the background?

More than one person around me has expressed this confusion with me. They want to hear something “insider” from me, as everyone knows, I am as curious about this issue as they are.

After all, before “Sister Lang”, I hadn’t even heard the name “Wan Qian” and had no impression of this face.

It wasn’t until I read the introduction that she had acted in “The Party at South Station”, and then I realized that she was the actress who played Hu Ge’s wife. Later, I learned that she was Hu Ge’s first-year senior sister and graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy.

But in that scene, she didn’t leave a clear impression on me.

Wandering around Zhihu and Weibo, I found that many people have a better recognition of her than me, but they also expressed the same confusion:

Sister Lang didn’t pay much attention to Wan Qian before. So far, she has hardly a character with high national recognition, and there is no “critical” topic that has been collectively paid attention to and discussed. “Sister Lang” has never fallen out of the “top three” on the audience favorite ranking list, and has been number one many times?

Why did Wan Qian become “popular”?

And accompanied by the sudden “popularity”