This article is from WeChat official account:QuestMobile (ID: QuestMobile), author: Mr.QM, original title: “QuestMobile2020 new Blue-collar crowd insight report: pay tribute to the 33.79 million new Internet blue-collar crowd represented by online ride-hailing drivers, courier brothers, takeaway riders, etc.! 》,The title picture comes from: Visual China

1. The new blue-collar crowd gradually formed and grew under the rapid development of the Internet economy

1. New blue-collar people obtain service needs through the Internet application platform, and provide service labor based on platform requirements. Internet application platforms replace traditional enterprise management and become the basis for new blue-collar people to work.

2. While various factors of the market environment are promoting the rapid development of new blue-collar groups, they are also continuously driving the new blue-collar groups to standardize and professionalize.

3. In the past five years, the number of new blue-collar users has more than doubled the number of monthly active users, and market growth requires that this emerging business group is gradually expanding.

4. There is huge market demand and more opportunities in first- and second-tier cities, and the new blue-collar population is more active; as market consumption sinks, the new blue-collar population in third-tier and below cities has huge potential for career growth.

5. The post-80s and post-90s are the main force of the new blue-collar population, accounting for nearly 70% of the total. With the growth of the post-00 population, the new blue-collar team is getting younger and stronger.

6. Couriers, takeaway riders, and online ride-hailing drivers, as the three new industry practitioners bred in the mobile Internet era, are the representative groups of the new blue-collar population and serve the huge domestic Demand market.

7. The working hours of couriers are relatively stable, mainly from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; take-out riders are highly matched with user dining needs, and work peaks during lunch and dinner; online ride-hailing drivers have relatively long active hours , From 6 in the morning until 0 in the morning.

9. Most of the new blue-collar people are male. Among them, couriers, especially takeaway riders, are more inclined to young unmarried people, and online ride-hailing drivers are mostly older married people.

9. New blue-collar people have a wide range of interests and preferences, which also highlight their professional characteristics and life background; takeaway riders and couriers show stronger interest in social, entertainment, shopping, etc., while online ride-hailing drivers are It has more prominent crowd tendencies in automobile, information, and financial management.

10. Takeaway riders are keen on games and watching live games; couriers have more diverse preferences. In addition to videos, music, and games, online reading apps are also their favorites; online ride-hailing drivers are in the pan Preferences in the entertainment field are concentrated in video and music apps.

Second, the mobile Internet has given birth to new blue-collar occupations, and at the same time it has broadened the life circle of new blue-collar people

1. Social, shopping, entertainment, and career-related industries have become the main scenes in the online life circle of new blue-collar people; The income characteristics of bill-to-sale make it suitable for financial management such as payment and settlement, online banking, etc. The industry preference is obvious.

2. Learn about entrepreneurship and workplace knowledge in short videos

2.1 New blue-collar people maintain high learning enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and the workplace. Short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou have become one of the channels for them to acquire workplace and entrepreneurial knowledge in addition to entertainment .

2.2 Compared with users on the entire network, new blue-collar groups are more active in the job hunting and recruitment field; recruitment apps that focus on urban service industries are more suitable for their occupational characteristics, and the active penetration rate TGI is more significant.

3. Meet new friends through multiple social channels

3.1 New blue-collar people aged 19-35, who account for over 60%, are facing an important life node for getting married and getting married. They show a clear preference in marriage, dating and community dating.

3.2 The young blue-collar workers running around the city streets are eager to get more attention and recognition. Stranger social apps have become a channel for expanding their social circles.

4. Online shopping is also one of the indispensable ways of consumption for new blue-collar people

4.1 New blue-collar users use more integrated e-commerce platforms for online shopping, and have a clear preference for digital e-commerce and idle trading platforms.

4.2 Quality, price and brand are gradually increasing in importance in the consumption of new blue-collar people.

4.3 In terms of consumer attention categories, Car products have become the focus of the new blue-collar men and women’s attention. In addition, male users are keen on 3C products, while female users prefer beauty and sports. product.

5. In spare time at work, how about a game of chess?

Short videos, online videos, online music, and online reading become a new blue-collar crowd with a high penetration rate in the pan-entertainment fieldTraditional chess and card games, such as chess, Doudizhu and Mahjong, are deeply loved by this crowd.

This article is from WeChat official account:QuestMobile (ID: QuestMobile), author: Mr.QM