This article is from WeChat official account:one (ID: yitiaotv), author: Ni Jian Jia, Yan Mu-kun, readme: Johnson being, from head Figure: vision China

September 30, two days later, was Zhang Ailing’s 100th birthday, and September 1 was the 25th anniversary of her death. Her book fans call this year “Ailing Year” in homophony.

She is one of the hottest literary icons in the 20th century. Her father is Li Hongzhang’s grandson, her cousin is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the late Qing Dynasty, and her mother is the daughter of a famous Hunan. She is familiar with Xu Beihong and others. He became famous in Shanghai in his early years, settled in the United States at the age of 35, and gradually cut off contact with the outside world in his later years.

Xu Anhua’s version of “The First Incense” poster

Zhang Ailing’s craze has risen in the Chinese-speaking world three times. This year, thanks to her centennial birthday, the cultural circles have launched special issues, exhibitions, and seminars. Xu Anhua’s remake of “The First Incense” premiered in Venice. Take this opportunity to: Let’s relive last year’s interview with Zhang Ailing’s friend Johnson Johnson.

Johnson Johnson was one of Zhang Ailing’s few friends in her later years. The two have kept correspondence for 28 years, have met many times, and talked twice overnight.

The 84 letters of Zhang Ailing, which Johnson is keeping, provide a new and close perspective on Zhang Ailing: “Life is cruel. Seeing our shrinking and shrinking, timid desire, I always feel that there is Infinite tragedy.”

Zhang Ailing’s 100th birthday: geniuses are slowly disappearing in this world