Does the childbearing age refer to the age at the childbirth

Nowadays, when women are around 23 years old, they can enter the palace of marriage and talk to themselves The loved ones spend the rest of their lives together. However, the matter of pregnancy and childbirth can happen after the sexual organs of the female body mature, but premature pregnancy is harmful to women. It is generally recommended that women have the best childbearing age when they reach their childbearing age. So, does the female childbearing age refer to the age at the time of giving birth?

The childbearing age refers to the age at which a woman gives birth, or the age at which a woman gives birth. Generally, the ideal reproductive age should be considered in terms of being beneficial to the health of mother and child, eugenics, and family planning. Therefore, for women, the optimal age for reproductive health is between 24-25 years old.

If women become pregnant too early, it will increase their dystocia rate and the incidence of complications during pregnancy. At the same time, women’s premature birth rate and fetal malformation rate will also increase Will increase accordingly. But it is not good if a woman becomes pregnant too late. Women who become pregnant too late will be regarded as older mothers, and their dystocia rate will increase, which is detrimental to both mother and child and affects the quality of newborns.

So if a woman wants to become pregnant, she must not be over 30 years old at the latest, otherwise she will be considered to be pregnant at an advanced age. For men, they need to be 35 years old at the latestTo provide sperm. Because they conceive their wives before the age of 35, they can provide better quality sperm and it is not easy to cause abnormal fetal development. If the male is too old, the sperm motility will decrease, which is not conducive to the female pregnancy.