When does women's menopause pass

Menopause is something that every woman will eventually face, no matter what occupation or life In any place, as the age continues to increase, one day will enter menopause. Menopausal women have a lot of physical discomfort, so women have a certain fear of menopause. When will women’s menopause pass?

Women’s menopause basically occurs between the ages of 45-55. In addition, affected by the living environment and the different qualities of women, women’s menopause is There will also be a certain difference in the time of arrival, and also the time when the menopause disappears. Some women disappear after menopause lasts for a year or a half, but some women have menopause for more than ten years.

The duration of menopause is related to many factors. Women’s physical fitness is one of them, and it is also related to women’s living environment and emotional state. close relationship. Studies have found that women who have a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, or women who live in a superior environment, have a late menopause and a shorter duration.

After entering menopause, women’s gonadal function will gradually decline, resulting in a series of menopausal symptoms. Most menopausal women suffer from irritability, flushing, night sweats and other discomforts, and some women willImmediately there was a problem of bone fragility, so it is recommended that menopausal women appropriate calcium supplements.