Problem description: There is a bag on the lower right chest! It started about half a month ago! After taking a CT scan, the doctor said anti-inflammatory treatment, but the infusion did not improve for four days! I don’t want to eat much recently
Question date:2020-09-08
Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: You only said that the left chest wall was covered, and the information provided was too little! The CT examination concluded that nothing was said, so it is more difficult to judge your condition. It is possible to not want to eat after taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Many drugs have gastrointestinal reactions.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended that you add information about your condition, such as the size of the mass, whether it is regular, whether it can be moved, whether there is swelling and pain, etc., as well as CT opinions, whether there is any laboratory test Happening.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection