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How to supplement the body’s calcium deficiency

When the body has calcium deficiency, if it is not supplemented in time, it is prone to various abnormalities, especially developing children. Therefore, when calcium deficiency is found, calcium should be added in time Quality, but many people do not know how to supplement calcium, so how does the body lack calcium? See the answer. 1, food supplement. Foods containing calcium include milk, fish, beans, shrimp, eggs, dairy products, bone.. Read More

What is better to drink moisture in the body

Most people now have heavy moisture, but everyone does not know how important moisture in the body is relieved, so it is prone to spleen and stomach weakness, so that The worse you come, in fact, you can drink more tea in your life, and some tea can be used to get rid of dampness. 1, green tea Green tea has the effect of removing dampness . Because green tea.. Read More

Can Artemisia annua be eaten

Artemisia annua was generally used as a medicinal material in ancient times, but with people ’s research on artemisia annua, it is found that artemisia annua has many uses, which is extremely helpful . Therefore, the application scope of Artemisia annua is getting larger and larger, and more and more people have known it. So, some people want to know, can Artemisia annua be eaten? Generally, fresh artemisia annua can.. Read More

Can pregnant women eat leeks

Leek is a vegetable that many people like to eat. When eating chives, it is very helpful to all aspects of the human body. Leeks contain many vitamins, so eating more leeks will not cause any harm to the body. But can pregnant women eat it? Since pregnant women may experience constipation during pregnancy, you can eat leek to prevent constipation. Leek has a laxative effect, because leek contains a.. Read More

What causes difficulty in falling asleep

Many people will have insomnia, and difficulty falling asleep is also a type of insomnia. Many people will toss and turn in bed when they can’t sleep, resulting in poor mental state during the day, inattentive work, and affecting life and work. So, what causes difficulty in falling asleep? People have trouble sleeping for a long time is a very painful thing, which seriously affects their health. Most patients cannot.. Read More

What will happen to excessive vitamin C

Although in daily life, everyone knows that more vitamins should be added, which is good for the body. However, if the body itself is not checked, excessive amounts of vitamin C, etc. may be supplemented, which may adversely affect the health of the body. In daily life, you need to pay more attention. So, what will happen to excessive vitamin C? First of all, if you eat too much vitamin.. Read More

How is the moisture caused?

I often hear people say that they have heavy moisture, and heavy moisture is also prone to many problems, such as eczema, etc., causing itchy skin and other uncomfortable symptoms . When you have a moisture problem, you also want to know its cause, and then solve this problem as soon as possible. So, how is the heavy moisture caused? There are many reasons for the occurrence of moisture, and.. Read More

Why is it dizzy when you start smoking?

Smoking is harmful to health, but people ’s awareness of its hazards is superficial. When family members suggest quitting smoking, most people also perfunctory, knowing that smoking is harmful, but do not want to quit smoking. Some people say that they will be dizzy when they start smoking. So why would it be dizzy to start smoking? Smoking causes dizziness mainly because the smoke contains carbon monoxide and nicotine. The.. Read More

How to adjust the humidity

People nowadays often eat food, which is very greasy, as well as the living environment, especially those in Sichuan and Hunan province of Guizhou. The climate is very humid, which will cause the moisture in the body to be too heavy, so how to adjust the humidity is too heavy? Moisture in the body is too heavy. You must eat more light foods. Vegetables and fruits just taken out of.. Read More