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Why is it disgusting after eating

In real life, some people are not pregnant, but they may have nausea after eating. This kind of behavior can make many people confused, without knowing the cause, and also worrying about their bodies, and even doubting whether their bodies are abnormal. So why is it disgusting after eating? Many people because of irregular diet, irregular work schedule, irregular drinking, etc. Over time, it hurts the spleen and stomach, the.. Read More

Can you eat the meat next day?

< / p> Many people may prefer to eat snail meat in daily life, which is not only cheap, but also relatively fresh in taste. However, after making it, I ca n’t eat it that day, and many people feel it ’s a pity to throw it away, so I want to eat it the next day. So, can you eat the meat of the next day? First of all,.. Read More

Can cod liver oil be eaten at night

Cod liver oil is a common health supplement with high nutritional value for people. Today, the majority of people who consume cod liver oil are children. Parents pay attention to the nutritional supplements of their children. Every food has its own precautions, and cod liver oil is no exception. So, can cod liver oil be eaten at night? It is best to eat cod liver oil in the morning and.. Read More

What to do if the hand peels

The weather is getting colder, and many people have problems worrying about skin care. Especially some people’s skin is easy to dry and peel. Especially the skin of the hands of some people will peel off if they are not careful. The peeling of the skin on the hands has brought great troubles to people’s lives. So, what about hand peeling? First of all, to deal with hand peeling depends.. Read More

Can you eat sugar cane in spring

Actually, spring is a sick season. Although it is said that the weather is getting warmer, people can also go outside and there are many fresh vegetables or fruits, but this is the season most susceptible to illness, especially allergies. Therefore, in the spring from the diet, we must be more careful. There are some foods that can cause allergies, so do n’t eat anything. Can you eat sugar cane.. Read More

Can you eat eggs

A smooth and flawless face is everyone ’s wish, but due to accidents in life and falling due to accidents, it is inevitable that some marks will be left on the face, which will cause a The face of the person changes. Therefore, when a wound occurs, care and maintenance must be carried out in time to promote the skin’s recovery as soon as possible. So can you eat eggs.. Read More

What to eat after eating barbecue

Barbecue is a popular dining method for young people, especially when eating barbecue, you may also drink some beer, this will feel better, but many people are eating Constipation and indigestion will occur after the barbecue, so at this time, some methods are needed to relieve it. So what do you eat after eating the barbecue? 1. After eating barbecue, you can drink some yogurt. Drinking yogurt can prevent the.. Read More

Can you eat ginseng in spring

Spring means a new beginning every year. At this time, not only many plants have grown, but also many hibernating animals have begun to crawl out. It is also the most important season of the year for people. Since this season is relatively dry, you should also pay attention to your diet. So can you eat ginseng in spring? It is possible to eat ginseng in spring, and ginseng is.. Read More

What’s going on with drooling at night

Many people in life will drool at night, which is a very bad life phenomenon. It can also be said to be a disease. If I drool at night, I wet a large piece of the pillow, and at the same time it smells disgusting and unbearable. So what’s going on with drooling at night? Drinking at night when drooling is generally due to unsanitary mouth, resulting in oral diseases.. Read More

Can you eat bananas at night

Many people like to eat some fruits after dinner, such as bananas, which is a very popular fruit in daily life. Many people know that bananas can ease bowel movements, so many children and elderly people with constipation will eat, but one question is, can you eat bananas at night? In fact, you can eat bananas at night, which will not have a bad effect on your body, but the.. Read More