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Can you drink less water for cooking porridge?

Everyone can cook porridge, but not everyone can cook it, because cooking porridge also requires skill, otherwise, some people may cook the porridge, Either too thin or too thick will affect the taste, so it is necessary to understand the porridge skills. So, if there is less water for cooking porridge, can I still drink it? In fact, when cooking porridge, the water is reduced, and a pot of thick.. Read More

How to eat the placenta has nutritional value

Mammals will have a placenta during pregnancy. This is an important organ for the exchange of materials between the two parties. When the production is completed, the placenta will be excreted from the body, but it is not that the placenta is not It works. It is important to know that some ingredients in the placenta have a very tonic effect for patients with weak constitution or elderly people. The.. Read More

Can overnight fish be eaten

Sometimes when the food at home is cooked more, when you ca n’t finish it and do n’t want to waste it, you will save it overnight and eat it the next day, but now often It is said not to eat overnight vegetables, especially overnight vegetables, will produce more nitrate, which is not conducive to health. Some people have asked, can you eat fish overnight? In fact, as long.. Read More

Diarrhea can eat lean porridge with preserved eggs

< / p> Eggs are the most common food in people ’s daily lives and an essential food in the family. Some people like to eat eggs, some people like preserved eggs. But people who have diarrhea have many taboos in their diet. Can diarrhea eat lean porridge with preserved eggs? If you have mild diarrhea, you can eat lean porridge with preserved eggs. Preserved egg lean meat porridge can.. Read More

Can the peach kernel be eaten?

Strengthening nutrition during pregnancy can ensure the healthy development of the fetus. Nuts eaten every day not only contain more plant protein and fat, but also contain many trace elements. Reasonable consumption of nuts is very beneficial to health during pregnancy, but some nuts may not be suitable for pregnant women to eat. So, can peach kernels be eaten? Pregnant women should eat less or no peach kernels. Although peach.. Read More

Can you eat plantain on an empty stomach

Musa has a high therapeutic value and has a good effect on respiratory diseases. Raw plantains can also quench thirst and moisturize the lungs. Banana is also a high-potassium food. Eating plantains helps to ingest the potassium needed by the body. Banana also has the effect of laxative, laxative and hemorrhoids. So, can you eat plantain on an empty stomach? It is not good to eat plantain on an empty.. Read More

Can you eat folic acid after drinking?

In order to achieve good prenatal and postnatal care, women need to take folic acid tablets from preparation to early pregnancy, which can reduce the incidence of fetal malformations. In order to avoid affecting the absorption effect of folic acid tablets, pay attention to daily diet when taking folic acid tablets. So, can you eat folic acid after drinking? Do not eat folic acid after drinking. Excessive drinking will hinder.. Read More

Can fried broad bean shells be eaten

< / p> As people ’s diets become more and more abundant, the choice of various vegetables and fruits in life is particularly large. But in order to have a healthy body, it is necessary to know which foods are edible, which are beneficial to the health of the body, and which foods are not edible. Only in this way can the number of illnesses be reduced. Can fried broad.. Read More

Why does the body smell like sheep

Many people know that sheep have a smell of sheep, and the goat milk that they drink often has a smell of sheep, which makes many people unbearable. In fact, not only the sheep smell of sheep, but also the smell of sheep. So, some people want to know, why do people smell like sheep? People have sheep smell, which may be their own body odor, that is, their sweat.. Read More

Can bracken be eaten?

Many people think that many green plants on the mountain are edible, because in the past when the earth was dry and there were no rice grains, many people depended on eating the plants in the mountain. alive. But in fact, many people have lost their lives because of eating indiscriminately. Therefore, people still need to be cautious about eating, and do not try everything. So, can bracken be eaten?.. Read More