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Can induction cooker eat hot pot

Many people like to eat hot pot, buy fresh beef and mutton, add mushrooms, green vegetables, and various ingredients. When choosing hot pot, people traditional impression , All use a variety of charcoal hot pots, for those new energy products, it is not very reassuring, then can the induction cooker eat hot pots? 1. Adjust the induction cooker to 1500 watts, boil the water directly, and then add various spices.. Read More

How to eliminate tension

Now many people are paying more and more attention to the cultivation of social, especially children, many parents will let children learn all kinds of talents, so that the interests of children can be effectively Development, but some people perform very well in normal times. Once they participate in a certain competition, they will feel depressed. So how to eliminate tension? 1. To effectively eliminate this emotion, before waking up.. Read More

Why is the moisture too heavy?

The weather is hot, the humidity is too heavy, and the body is weak. I believe many friends have discovered that especially the hot weather, the whole day is muddy, without any spirit. Especially like brushing your teeth in the morning not only has the effect of retching, but also the whitening of the tongue coating. So, why is the moisture too heavy? Let’s understand. 1, exercise perspiration: The best.. Read More

What’s going on at night

After night, people need to take a reasonable rest in bed, so that the various organs of the body can be fully relaxed, then the next day ’s work and learning physical strength is guaranteed, If the sleep time is too short or the quality is degraded, it will have a great impact on people, then what about going to sleep and convulsions at night? 1. If this situation occurs.. Read More

Sore throat can eat dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is very peculiar in appearance, and has a sweet and sour taste. It is liked by many people and brings great appetite. Whether it is in a fruit shop or a large supermarket , You can see the sale of dragon fruit, people’s desire to buy is also great, so can you eat dragon fruit with a sore throat? 1. The cause of sore throat is mainly caused.. Read More

Can the edible fungus be eaten

Fungus is a fungus that grows on wood. It has a very delicious taste and contains many nutrients. It can also lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular. Its nutritional and therapeutic value They are very tall and appear on the dining table as home cooking. So, can the edible fungus be eaten? Auricularia auricula is a common edible fungus. People who eat edible auricularia auricularia for a long time will.. Read More

Duck egg yolk red can eat

“> Duck egg is a food that many people like to eat, and its nutritional value is relatively high. It can supplement more protein for the human body, but the unreasonable preservation of duck eggs is easy to deteriorate. The yolk of normal duck eggs is yellow, so can the duck eggs be red? Duck egg yolks ca n’t be eaten after they turn red. This situation is caused by.. Read More

How to solve the doze on night shift

Some work requires night shifts, such as long-distance passenger transportation, power plant factory room, etc., but some people who work night shifts often have poor mental state and are prone to sleepiness and doze off. This will seriously affect the quality of work, and for some important jobs, it is very likely to cause more serious safety accidents. So, how to solve the problem of dozing off the night shift?.. Read More

Can you eat caramel seeds?

Melon seeds are a common snack that is often eaten, and it has a variety of flavors, such as five flavors, creamy flavor, matcha flavor and caramel flavor, etc. But caramel-flavored melon seeds, some people think that this taste is harmful to health after eating. So, can you eat caramel seeds? Caramelized sunflower seeds as a delicious daily snack, its unique taste, so it is loved by many people. However,.. Read More

Sleep with your mouth or nose

Sleeping every day is an indispensable part. Adequate sleep can make people feel energetic, and good sleep can be full of energy to face all kinds of work and life the next day. Many people will have certain troubles when sleeping. Is it better to breathe through the nose or mouth? It is best to use your nose to breathe when you sleep, because the nose itself is an organ.. Read More