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Can I eat Ganoderma powder during menstruation

Many women will choose Ganoderma powder, this food can play a beauty and anti-aging The role of women during menstruation will pay more attention to ganoderma lucidum powder, which will make them puzzled. So, can you eat ganoderma powder during menstruation? In the menstrual period, women can eat a small amount of ganoderma powder, and eating ganoderma powder plays a role in blood, and the benefits of ganoderma for women.. Read More

Reasons for the delay of menstruation for three months

Deferred menstruation can determine what is happening in a woman ’s body, and many factors determine it Menstruation is delayed. When these conditions occur, you need to go to the hospital in time to prevent a more serious illness. Then, the reason for the menstrual delay is three months. 1. As long as women who have sex live, they are likely to become pregnant. At this time, women can use.. Read More

Can you eat apples during menstruation

Apple contains a lot of vitamins and is a healthy food, only in women In this special period of menstruation, you need to avoid eating some food to prevent women from being hurt during menstruation, and even cause women to have irregular menstruation. Women can eat apples during menstruation, apples can play a role in relieving thirst, and the vitamins contained can also be absorbed by the body, eat more.. Read More

Can you eat fish after pulling wisdom teeth?

After adulthood, many people will grow wisdom teeth. At this time, if there is an overheating situation, it will cause gum swelling and pain. It brings different degrees of infection. During the treatment, the doctor will take a surgery to remove the tooth. Can you eat fish after the wisdom tooth is removed? 1. It is not allowed to eat fish after the operation, because many patients will have blood.. Read More

Can crabs and sugar cane be eaten?

After entering the summer and autumn, many people like to eat seafood, especially crabs, this food has a unique taste, after eating, it can give people a great sense of taste Enjoyment, so it has been sought after by many foodies, but there are taboos when eating, so can crabs and sugar cane be eaten? 1. The sugar cane tastes sweet and sour. The liquid contained in it is rich.. Read More

What to do if you don’t defecate for a month

In most cases, the human body will defecate once every 1-2 days, so that the toxins in the body can be completely discharged to ensure the normal gastrointestinal tract Dredge, if there is constipation, it is easy to cause the toxins in the body to accumulate, and in serious cases it will cause other diseases. What should I do if I do not defecate for a month? 1. In many.. Read More

How to check the moisture weight

Because of the influence of the external environment or your own eating habits, many people will have an increase in moisture. Such long-term accumulation of moisture in the body will also cause illness. It must be discovered early, using drugs and food to make conditioning, so how to check the weight of moisture? 1. First of all, you can take a closer look at the stools you take every day,.. Read More

Can the fruit flesh of ginseng fruit be eaten

Ginseng fruit is a kind of fruit cultivated in a special way, its nutrition is extremely high, and there are trace elements and vitamins in it, and the benefits of regular eating are particularly good for the body big. Among the ginseng fruit, there are fruit flakes, and many people eat the fruit flakes. Can the fruit flesh of ginseng fruit be eaten? In fact, ginseng fruit is a fruit.. Read More

Is Cod Liver Oil Vitamin E?

Cod liver oil is relatively common. Most people have bought cod liver oil because cod liver oil can supplement the nutrients people need. However, most people do not know the relationship between cod liver oil and vitamin E. So, is cod liver oil vitamin E? Cod liver oil is not vitamin E, but cod liver oil contains nutrients such as vitamin AD, multi-vitamins, vitamin E and so on. If you.. Read More