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Can I eat Hei Bulin after eating durian?

Durian is a very popular fruit in our country. Although it tastes smelly, it tastes very sweet. For some foodies, durian is a very delicious food. However, when eating, it is necessary to note that durian is easy to get angry, and you should not eat too much at one time. Can you eat Hei Bulin after eating durian? It is edible, Hebrin is a plum variety, not only has.. Read More

Normal menstruation for a few days

Women are more concerned about the menstrual cycle and the length of the menstrual period. Of course, menstrual and menstrual periods have a roughly fixed time. Many women do not have a special understanding of the duration of menstruation. If you want to know how many days it is normal, understanding the time of menstruation will help women understand their physical condition. So, how many days is normal for menstruation?.. Read More

How can I grow taller before going to bed

Human growth hormone secretion is very strong at night, so if you want to grow tall, you need to develop the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. High-quality sleep can make the human brain get a more effective rest, thereby providing nutrients for the bones, which is beneficial to increase. So how can I grow taller before going to bed? Let’s take a look together!.. Read More

What constitution is suitable for eating Ejiao

Ejiao is a very large tonic food, often eaten, not only can supplement the body ’s nutrition, but also qi and blood, but not any constitution can eat Ejiao, if it is not suitable for eating, it will be counterproductive, showing bad symptoms, then what constitution is suitable for eating Ejiao? Most women who buy donkey-hide gelatin eat it are women, because women feel that eating donkey-hide gelatin can be.. Read More

Can you eat fruit while drinking milk?

< / p> Drinking some milk often can not only bring energy to the body, but also supplement calcium, so milk is a popular drink in life, but drinking milk should also be It should be noted that there are many foods that cannot be eaten with milk, so can you eat fruit when drinking milk? Milk is very rich in nutrients, often and some are very helpful for bone.. Read More

Can you eat mango during menstruation

While women are paying attention to keeping warm during the menstrual period, they should be more careful in their diet. If you eat the wrong things, dysmenorrhea or continuous menstrual blood will inevitably occur. When the situation is serious, it may affect the menstrual cycle, so can you eat mango during the menstrual period? Under normal circumstances, there are no special taboos during the physiological period, and diet should also.. Read More

Can you eat pears at night

Eating food is particular, especially when eating many foods during the day may have a good effect on the body, but eating at night will increase the gastrointestinal burden, even There will also be adverse effects, because the absorption of nutrients is different in different periods of time, so can you eat pears at night? Eating some pears often is very helpful for clearing the lungs and lowering the fire,.. Read More

What are the hazards of being overweight

Now people ’s aesthetics are thin, and most people are controlling their weight. In addition to controlling weight from an aesthetic point of view, it is necessary to accidentally From a health point of view, overweight also has many hazards, so what are the hazards of being overweight? Overweight not only affects the appearance of the person, but also may cause various hazards of overweight. The main cause of overweight.. Read More

Is there any way to reduce swelling

We will have a lot of small accidents in our daily life. Accidental bumps or sprains can cause redness and pain. Of course, there are many small ways to solve the swelling problem. Swelling and pain relief can avoid more damage to the body. So is there any way to reduce swelling? 1. If the swelling caused by bruises, apply it immediately with ice water, which can generally relieve it,.. Read More

Is moisture heavy suitable for humidifier?

< / p> Many people have humidifiers at home. Using humidifiers when the weather is dry can increase the humidity of the indoor air, but how worried or worried some people with heavy humidity will be Using a humidifier will cause more moisture in the body. So is it suitable to use a humidifier? Is humidifier suitable for heavy moisture? Generally speaking, people with high humidity can also use humidifiers,.. Read More