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How does astigmatism vision return to normal

Nowadays, the pressure of learning and work is gradually increasing. Many friends have eye problems, of which the short-sighted people are the most. In general, high myopia is accompanied by astigmatism, and of course some are astigmatism alone, but this is relatively rare. Astigmatism is usually caused by the cornea flattening, and some astigmatism problems can be overcome through the cultivation of daily habits. So how does astigmatic vision return.. Read More

Does the stethoscope listen to the heartbeat

generally does not have heart disease, and the heartbeat is within the normal range. If the heartbeat is not within the normal range, it is necessary to be vigilant and check carefully whether there is heart disease. How can one know whether the heartbeat is within the normal range? Does the stethoscope listen to heartbeat accurately? Stethoscope is more accurate in listening to heartbeat, heartbeat is actually regular. The stethoscope.. Read More

How can I grow hair

In daily life, many people will face the trouble of sparse hair. For a person ’s beauty, hair plays a vital role. If a person grows very long Beautiful, but the hair is particularly scarce, so you will become particularly unconfident in front of people. So, how can I grow hair? Comb your hair often. You can bring a comb when you go out. When you comb your hair, first.. Read More

The harm of eating two kinds of milk powder

Milk powder is the main source of food for young children. The milk powder for babies is mainly nutrition and taste. Some mothers think that feeding two milk powders together at the same time may give a better taste and more comprehensive nutrition. Is this the case? Has harm if you mix two kinds of milk powder? 1. Each milk powder has its own independent packaging. The milk source, production.. Read More

Will eating eggs affect high blood lipids?

People now pay more attention to health. Many people have high blood lipids in their lives. If they have high blood lipids, they must control their diet. They should not eat foods with high blood lipids, otherwise they will aggravate their condition. Eggs are often eaten, so does eating eggs affect high blood fat? 1. Eating eggs will make blood lipids higher, but it is not that people with high.. Read More

Is the safety period 100% safe?

< / p> Many men and women believe that it is safe to love and love women during the safe period, and they will not get pregnant without taking safety measures, so they specifically select women to share the same room during the safe period. If a woman’s menstruation is regular, the safe period can be calculated. But is the safety period 100% safe? 1. Safe contraception is a common.. Read More

Can a man eat parsley

Coriander is a kind of food that makes people like it very much and makes people very hate it. In life, many elderly people will say that men cannot eat coriander, because parsley will kill sperm, affecting the fertility of men. Can men eat coriander? Man can eat coriander. Coriander’s nutrition is good, and the moisture content is also high. It contains vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B group, various minerals,.. Read More

Will the stool be black after eating black beans

legumes are a very common food in life, and its nutrition is particularly rich, and Easy for human body to absorb. The whole body of the black bean is white except for the place where the bud is growing, and the other places are all black paint, so some people who have not eaten black beans will think that the stool that may be discharged from eating black beans is.. Read More

Can the leaves of lollipop be eaten

Sticks are a new variety of mustard. I believe many people have not heard of them. However, the appearance of sticks is very similar to mustard. If you want to try it, you can go nearby Find a vegetable market. Although everyone does not understand stick dishes, but in fact the nutrition value of stick dishes is also very high, suitable for home-made side dishes. So, some people want to.. Read More