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What to eat for zinc deficiency

Zinc is one of the important elements in the human body. In real life, due to many mothers Negligence, but do not know that the baby already has zinc deficiency, so it is easy to bring a certain impact on the baby’s growth and development. So what will be the performance of zinc deficiency, what is good for zinc deficiency food? The general manifestation of zinc deficiency is that the.. Read More

Can carrots sprout still eat?

< / p> In daily life, you will definitely meet and buy too much at a time when buying vegetables It ’s too much to eat within a few days, so I often see it. Many vegetables are moldy or sprouts. Many people think that it ’s wasteful to throw it away. If you eat it, you ’re afraid of bad health. Everyone cares about it. Can carrots be eaten.. Read More

What is the harm of excessive intake of vitamin A

< / p> Everyone knows that vitamin a supplements can bring many benefits to the human body, However, you should also pay attention to the process of replenishment, too much can not be added or it will have the opposite effect. Many people only want to add a large amount of supplements, but have not thought about the problem of excessive supplementation. So, what harm is caused by excessive intake.. Read More

Can loquat eat skin

Loquat fruit is a delicious fruit, often eat some can also achieve the purpose of supplementing body nutrition, but also can play a beauty role, so loquat fruit is also among all fruits It is more popular with everyone, but many people do n’t know if loquat can eat skin, so can loquat eat skin? We all know that when loquat is eaten, the loquat skin should be chopped off.. Read More

Is the humidity heavy?

Moisture will have a bad effect on the body if it persists in the body. The patient will not only be mentally depressed, but also cause various diseases, and the consequences will be more serious. Yes, are the hands and feet cold with heavy moisture? When the patient’s hands and feet are cold, it is generally due to Raynaud’s phenomenon, which is what we call the poor blood circulation of.. Read More

Will drinking allergies be inherited?

Every baby is a continuation of the parent ’s life, regardless of appearance or temperament More or less genetic parents. There are also some babies whose health conditions are inherited by their parents. For example, in the case of myopia, it is easy to pass on to the baby, making the baby become myopic. Will drinking allergies be inherited? Most people who are allergic to alcohol are allergic, and studies.. Read More

What is the most lutein?

Now mobile phones are a must-have item for everyone, no matter it is leisure or busy, it will be from time to time Watch the phone. Although this can reduce boredom in life, the damage to eyes caused by mobile phones cannot be ignored. In order to protect the eyes, many people will artificially supplement lutein, so what is the most lutein? 1, corn When it comes to lutein, then.. Read More

What’s the use of massaging big thumbs

Many health-conscious people have the habit of doing pedicure, and regular pedicure massage can be Strengthening the body is very beneficial to the body. Because there are acupuncture points on the sole of the foot, and these acupuncture points are through the internal organs, massaging the corresponding acupoints can improve the corresponding organ function. What’s the use of massaging big thumbs? There are many points on the big toe, and.. Read More

Is stool dryness related to zinc supplementation?

< / p> Stool dryness is a symptom that people often experience. The causes of dry stool are: In many cases, this situation is likely to affect people. Seriously, it will also lead to excessive accumulation of toxins in their bodies and some diseases. So is it related to zinc supplementation? Dry stool is not related to zinc supplementation. Dry stool is caused by lack of water in the body,.. Read More