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Electronic cigarettes are turned off

Author | 黄青春 Title Map | Oriental IC The boots are landing. This afternoon (November 1), the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration and the State Administration of Markets issued the Notice on Further Protecting Minors from E-cigarettes: We will urge e-cigarette production and sales companies or individuals to close e-cigarette Internet sales websites or clients in a timely manner; urge e-commerce platform to close e-cigarette stores in time and remove e-cigarette.. Read More

The global mobile phone market is back to growth, mainly thanks to Samsung and Huawei.

Other manufacturers are not very good. Editor’s note: This article is from love child norm APP , Author: Musi. Before the official arrival of the 5G wave, the mobile phone industry ushered in a long-lost dawn. According to market research organization Canalys According to data from , in the third quarter of 2019, global smartphone shipments increased by 1% year-on-year, achieving the first increase in the past two years. Another.. Read More

Battle before dawn: Double 11 Prelude

This year’s double eleven is coming soon, can you evoke your desire to consume? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public number “Rui Company” (ID:shangjiezz)< /a>,文/周慧娴. Review: Whether consumers are greedy with the double 11 shopping carnival, it depends on whether the song that the businessman has been knitting for several months can catch the soul. On November 11th, this is a date with a mysterious magic. This day.. Read More

Google moved the Palace of Versailles to the Internet. Does VR see the show and let this palace belong to you?

In the past 2018, Versailles has welcomed 8 million on-site visitors, which should only account for a small percentage of the number of people who know it and want to travel in person. Editor’s note: This article is from interface news, author Wu Yangyu. Before the 21st century, no one thought about it. The old and prestigious Versailles can be copied to the online world almost as it is, appearing.. Read More

Technology God Reply | iOS13.2 frequently kills the background, sees N times a day

More than the news, the netizen God responded, look at it together~ Ruo Yonghao evaluation AirPods Pro: In addition to sound quality, Apple wins Sony noise reduction beans; Barclays: Apple is losing pricing power, 5G version of the iPhone or up $150…Review later What kind of technology news and netizens’ replies should not be missed. iOS13.2 frequently kills the background, spoofing users: returning an information video No more According to.. Read More

Zhonghai Investment Zhang Qiuqiu: Brand Opportunity under the New Channel

Nowadays, it is a good time for brand investment and entrepreneurship. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Qingtong Capital” (ID: qtziben). In recent years, with the improvement of infrastructure such as logistics/payment and the development of information technology, the barriers of big brands are being weakened, and new brands are welcoming more opportunities. So, in the face of favorable conditions, how should new brands break through? October.. Read More

Frontline | To protect minors, e-cigarette channels are blocked

The regulation of electronic cigarettes is increasing in many countries around the world. The e-cigarette policy is tightening and online channels will be blocked. It was learned that on the afternoon of November 1, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration and the State Administration of Market Supervision issued the Circular on Further Protecting Minors from E-cigarettes (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), urging e-cigarette production, The sales company or individual promptly.. Read More

Five suggestions to teach you to buy a house that outperforms the big market

Don’t pursue a rich night, be orderly, profitable, and continue to accumulate advantages until strong. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account: The head of the property market, (ID: tz52801) , author: head of the property market, authorized reprint A friend used to ask me: Why did you buy a house that always rises faster than me? How can I buy a house that outperforms the big market?.. Read More

Exclusive | Double Eleven officially started the battle, and the number of targets for the November transaction will be tripled.

A lot of fights can’t stop. On November 1st, this year’s e-commerce platform double eleven battle can be officially started. It is learned that the company has put forward its November trading volume (GMV) internally, and the goal is to reach three times that of the past October. Some of the more than two small two to convey the requirements of the platform to the merchants they are responsible for,.. Read More

Freeze the Yuetai shares in the “chain”

Multi-party fundraising, Yuetai shares received results. However, the news that the shares have been frozen is still coming. The Yuetai shares hope to resolve the debt default risk and resume normal production and operation. It will take time to realize. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account: Leju Finance, (ID: lejucaijing), author: Zeng Jia tree, authorized reprint On October 30, it was reported that the share capital of.. Read More