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With $ 4.5 million in funding, SMS marketing company “Postscript” wants to help Shopify sellers “stick” buyers

Provide SMS marketing platform for Shopify stores. According to foreign media reports, the startup company Postscript has recently raised $ 4.5 million in funding. The financing was led by Accomplice, Kayak (founder of Paul English), Kevin Hale (founder of Wufoo), Klaviyo (founder of Andrew Bialecki), Elias Torres (Drift), Mathilde Collin (founder of Front), and Eric Rea and Dennis Steele (founder of Podium) participated. This financing will be used to build.. Read More

You still think about how to drive, engineers are already thinking about how to “brake”

This article is from the WeChat public account: TopMove (ID: topmove2020) , author: Verification of Zhao Xiao, from the cover: Oriental IC The car parked in front is not a real car, it is a “balloon car”. This is the AEB (Automatic emergency braking function) / span> Test the nickname of the item. Although it looks like an inflatable block disguised as the back of a car, there is something.. Read More

“Not awkward” young literary planners

This article is from the WeChat public account: Bundo Network Television (ID: guduowlj) , author: late boat, the original title: “industry survey | behind younger, is” misreading “of the literary plan”, the cover from: Oriental IC Writer Zhang Li (pseudonym) I once encountered an unprofessional project docking. A film and television company’s literary plan invited her to participate in the creation of a spy war drama project, but this is.. Read More

Under Pichai, Google’s China business

This article is from the WeChat public account: zinc scale (ID: znkedu) , author: Deng Deng Xiao Chen into the new Wei Xu, editor: Pan Juan, from the cover: Oriental IC In 2008, Bill Gates, 53, gave the baton to Ballmer, one year younger. In 2019, 46-year-old founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin gave the baton to Sanger Pichai, one year older. Some people say that Pichai’s baby face, some.. Read More

Can accounting firms “seat together” reduce financial fraud?

This article is from the WeChat public account: Economic Observer (ID: eeo-com-cn) , author: known by Miao, from the cover: Oriental IC If the financial statements disclosed by a listed company are subsequently found to be fraudulent, the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the audit report of the accounting firm that has “endorsed” it will be questioned by law enforcement, although the accountant can Already diligent and dutiful as a.. Read More

Is the live broadcast of a well-known online celebrity good or is the new routine more powerful?

No Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ 蛋 解 创业 ” (ID : Manjiechuangye), the author’s egg solution entrepreneurship editorial department. This year’s hottest item for e-commerce is the short video with goods. Numerous cases are promoting a short video with hundreds of thousands of playbacks, more than one million with goods, and everything sold. For example, Li Jiaqi, one of the Internet celebrities, can sell.. Read More

Don’t go to the company that wants you to die

Nothing is immutable. The only thing you can do is prepare ahead of time, and don’t let yourself fall into a passive situation. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ 张良 计 < / a> “(ID: zhang_liangj), author Zhang Liangji. There have been many incidents of violent departures recently, and I am very sad to watch them. Let ’s talk about this today. My point of view.. Read More

Peace, say goodbye to the “foreign aid” era

This article is from the WeChat public account: Prism (ID: lengjing_qqfinance) , author: Ding Dong, editor: Yang Hao, from the cover: vision China An announcement of high-level changes revealed the signal of Ping An’s transformation again. On November 22, Ping An Insurance of China (Group) Co., Ltd. (601318.SH) issued an announcement, stating that Li Yuanxiang was due to personal work arrangements He resigned as the company’s executive director, co-CEO, executive.. Read More

Although it sounds like black technology, Lao Luo’s “shark skin” is really useless

There will always be algae and other aquatic organisms attached, one will erode the hull, and the other will affect sailing speed and waste fuel. Although there are paints on the market to reduce drag and antifouling, their chemical composition will inevitably cause pollution to the marine environment. To solve this problem, in 2002, the US Navy invited Brennan, then a professor of materials and engineering at the University of.. Read More

AWSL becomes the annual barrage of station B. What are these young people thinking?

This article is from the WeChat public account: Entertainment Hard Candy (ID: yuleyingtang) , author: Liu soil, editor: Li Chunhui, from the cover: Oriental IC If you use one word to describe 2019, the choice of guest officials is- Hard Candy Jun firmly nominates “AWSL”. The short four letters are enough to accurately convey my anxiety in the face of the year-end summary, the joy of the annual raffle draw,.. Read More