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Hurdles should be like Dongguan Zi

This article is from the official account: Game Research Society (ID: yysaag) , Author: stone leaf young, drawing questions from : Visual China one Hurdles must be familiar to people. Sixteen years ago, Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games, making all Chinese fans of hurdles. However, the pursuit of hurdles in sports competitions is speed, and technical movements are all for.. Read More

Closure of business, bankruptcy… Can’t sell the animation around, are they all the pot of the epidemic?

label=”Picture description” classname=”img-desc” class=”img-desc” style=””>JOJO series of linkage games Japanese game halls and animation can be said to have been integrated with the daily lives of Japanese young people. Just last year, Sega opened a new 5-storey Hall 5 nearby. But I didn’t expect that the epidemic in early 2020 disrupted Sega’s development pace. Since Tokyo issued the emergency declaration in April, Sega Hall 2 has been temporarily closed until.. Read More

There are more and more pirates in Southeast Asia

This article comes fromWeChat official account: Earth Knowledge Bureau (ID: diqiuzhishiju), author: yoghurt not foam, drawing: Sun green, proofreading: cat Stewart, editor: Yakult, title figure from the visual China ( “Pirates of the Caribbean 2” stills) < /p> In the first half of this year, the global spread of the epidemic has had varying degrees of impact on the production and life of countries around the world. Many inhuman or.. Read More

China, do not want to lose these birds

This article is from WeChat official account:ring planetary ball (ID: huanxingxingqiu), author: yogurt not foam head from FIG: Fan Zhongyong On July 5th last year, at the 43rd UNESCO World Heritage Conference, the National Yellow Sea (Bo) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat(No. Phase I) was officially approved for inclusion in the World Heritage List. The Yellow (Bo) Sea area has the world’s largest contiguous mud beach. It is the location of.. Read More

Does Microsoft Xbox Series smell good?

This article is from WeChat official account:Minority (ID: sspaime), author: KeNNY, title figure from: GameSpot Strike the key points: Xbox Series X and Series S will be officially launched on November 10th, and will be sold simultaneously in Hong Kong. Price: Series X US$499/3880 Hong Kong dollars, Series S US$299/2280 Hong Kong dollars. Series S is positioned as a cheaper, pure digital version of the next-generation Xbox. The goal is.. Read More

From middle class to upper class: Kardashian’s 14-year-long reality show is about to end

This article is from WeChat official account: Bund TheBund (ID: the-Bund) , Author: pineapple dog head of FIG. Source: “DAI card “Sisters Walk Together”, the original title: “This show that made the Kardashian family known to the whole world will stop broadcasting!” 》 In recent years, many people have more or less known about the Kardashian sisters. It may be because of Kim Kardashian’s husband Kanye West who announced his.. Read More

Cost reduction, but the more expensive sanitary napkins are sold?

Presumably everyone already knows the hot topic of sanitary napkins on the Internet. In fact, there have been many discussions about “menstrual poverty” in the past few years. This time, it can get attention in the public opinion field. The problem is not “menstruation” but “poverty.” When asked about “Dare to use the three no brand”, the straightforward answers such as “Life is difficult” and “I have difficulties” finally aroused.. Read More

Akihabara, the world’s two-dimensional holy land, has become a “ghost town”, is it a pandemic?

This article is from WeChat official account: Animation Academic lie (ID: babblers) , Author: if the wind, editor: other side, the original title: “closure , Bankruptcy… Can’t sell around the animation, are they all the pandemic? 》 On August 30, due to the impact of the epidemic, a 17-year-old SEGA Akihabara Building No. 2 was regarded as one of the representative buildings in Akihabara, Japan(hereinafter referred to as Sega Hall.. Read More

After magnifying the “Surfing the River on Qingming Festival” by N times, so many secrets of science and technology were discovered

This article is from the official account: On the Road Gezhi forum (ID: SELFtalks) , Author: Shi Xiao Lei, Chinese Academy of History of Natural Science Associate researcher of the Institute, Science Communication Research Center, title picture from: Visual China Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Zeduan’s “Surfing the River on Qingming Festival” is now in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing, which is one of the treasures of the.. Read More