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Xiao Zhang blasts hot searches, why does “1818 Golden Eye” frequently come out?

This article is from WeChat official account:New List (ID: newrankcn)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: cat brother, eight small, from head Figure: “1818 Golden eye” video capture The value of beauty is justice. Throughout the ages, the bias of this sentence has been verified many times. In the “outside the law” of the Internet, the first glance is to decide right from wrong. On such an unremarkable Tuesday, Xiao Zhang.. Read More

Two midnight

Lao Xu is a retired employee of the museum. His wife died early and lived alone in a huge old house. Fortunately, his daughter Zhenzhen chose to return to work after graduating from university. This is how old Xu felt that life had fun. The old house was bought by Old Xu in the early years. The exterior is old, but the decoration inside is okay. Old Xu lives on.. Read More