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How to treat a cold during pregnancy

Problem description: I accidentally caught a cold one month of pregnancy, coughing and stuffy nasal symptoms, how do I treat a pregnant cold? Question date:2020-09-23 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemalePregnant colds can be treated by diet therapy Conditioning. During pregnancy, if you have a cold, this situation is quite special. In the case of a cold in the first three months of pregnancy, it is best not to take drugs… Read More

What are the symptoms of a severe cold

Problem description: In the past few days, I always feel hot in every part of my body, without any strength, my head is very painful, I have sneezing, and my nose is always clear. May I ask if you have a severe cold What are the symptoms? Date of problem:2020-09-23 Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: FemaleSevere cold symptoms include stuffy nose, Symptoms such as cough and dizziness. Severe colds are a.. Read More

How to deal with frequent colds

Problem description: I don’t know what’s going on recently. I always have a cold. It bothers me a lot. It’s clear that I caught a cold again not long ago. How do I deal with a frequent cold? Question date: 2020-09-23 Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: FemaleFrequent colds can be comprehensively treated . Always catch a cold and pay attention to lifestyle changes, including going to bed early and getting.. Read More

What is the cause of cold eye pain

Problem description: I went out yesterday and caught a cold in the rain, and my eyes started to hurt when I got up this morning. What is the cause of the cold and eye pain? Question date:2020-09-23 Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: FemaleCold eye pain is mainly in the room Caused by increased pressure. Regardless of common cold or influenza, it will be manifested as nasal congestion and blocked nose, which.. Read More

What to do if the respiratory tract hurts after a cold

Problem description: I have caught a cold these days and then have symptoms of respiratory tract pain. What should I do if I have a cold? Date of problem: 2020-09-22 Patient information: Age: 51 Gender: MaleIf you have a cold, you can consult a doctor for respiratory pain Take medicine or eat pears appropriately. After catching a cold, you must fast for spicy and stimulating food. When you have a.. Read More

What to do if I have a cold

Problem description: During this period, I had a cold. I didn’t have a cough or fever, but I was boring. What should I do if I have a cold and I am boring? Question date: 2020-09-22 Patient information: Age: 52 Gender: MaleYou can get hot water if you have a cold You can also drink brown sugar ginger tea in the bath. Hot water bath therapy. Lying in the bathtub.. Read More

What should I do if I have a cold?

Question description: I have caught a cold these days and I always feel cold on my body. What should I do if I feel cold when I catch a cold? Question date: 2020-09-22 Patient information: Age: 43 Sex: MaleYou can get colder if you catch a cold Wear clothes to keep your body warm. If it does not exceed 39 degrees, you can take physical cooling, hot towels on your.. Read More

What should I do if I have a cold and my palms are warm

Problem description: During this period of time, I caught a cold and my palms were warm. What should I do if I have a cold? Question date: 2020-09-22 Patient information: Age: 48 Gender: MaleIf you have a cold, you can take it with a fever in the palm of your hand. Chinese medicine for conditioning. When you have a cold, the palms of your hands are hot, which is caused.. Read More

What to do if you have a cold and weak limbs

Problem description: I have recently caught a cold and have weakness in limbs. What should I do if I have weakness in limbs? Question date:2020-09-22 Patient information:Age: 47 Gender: FemaleIf you have a cold, you can drink more Hot water replenishes vitamin C, rests appropriately to keep the mood happy. If there is general weakness after a cold, consider the excessive secretion of lactic acid in the muscles caused by.. Read More

What to do if I have a cold and my head is dizzy

Problem description: I have a cold these few days and my head is always dizzy. What should I do if I have a cold and my head is dizzy? Question date:2020-09-22 Patient information:Age: 49 Gender: FemaleIt may be appropriate to catch a cold and dizzy Take anti-cold medicine and ensure adequate rest. Cold and dizziness, usually speaking, is a systemic symptom caused by viral infection, mainly dizziness, lightheadedness, uneasy feeling,.. Read More