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How to restart work in 2021

Their efforts to meet the peak Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Ray first Mori” (ID: RayZhang1993), Author: Ray first Sen. In the Spring Festival that just passed, although many people chose to celebrate the New Year in situ, they did not travel thousands of miles back and forth, and also avoided embarrassing socializing and communication, but the holiday syndrome was not so easy to deal.. Read More

Young people who spend tens of thousands of dollars on a baby

This article is from WeChat official account:Jumping Sea Courtyard (ID: meerjump) , author: Yuanban little brown sugar, head Figure from: vision China ‍Don’t want to have a baby, don’t want to raise a baby. In recent years, this idea has gradually become firmly rooted in the minds of many young people. However, some people have a very special reason for not raising a baby, that is: I have raised a.. Read More

What to do if the baby keeps crying and not sleeping

Problem description: I can’t pull it out, crying and not sleeping during the day and night, vomiting severely, red spots on my face, and a hard belly. Exhaust exercises don’t work.Question date:2020-10-10 Patient information: Age: 23 days Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: b>Hello, according to the situation you described, it is caused by indigestion. You should pay attention to your diet and don’t overeat. Guide and suggestion: Develop good eating habits, and.. Read More

After vaccination with the new crown vaccine, is it necessary to do a nucleic acid test?

This article is from WeChat official account:Interface News (ID: wowjiemian)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: Yi Ming original, thematic map from: vision China On February 20, CCTV’s press release about the new crown vaccine “one question to the end”, which once again clearly mentioned: vaccination can reduce the risk of infection to a certain extent, but no vaccine can protect it. Reach 100%. In other words, nucleic acid testing is.. Read More

Young people who are afraid of being “poor” this time, first spend 1 yuan to learn how to manage money

This article is from WeChat official account:Mustard Duikan Education (ID: jiemoedu) , author: Li Ting, title figure from: vision China “Kun Kun is not old, and the blue chip is old.” “Kun Kun is brave to fly, and ikun will always follow.” You may not be unfamiliar with this kind of support, but this time it did not appear on the audition show. The target of “calling” became Zhang Kun,.. Read More

Get up in the morning and get stuck in sputum, sometimes stuck, sometimes not stuck

Problem description: Get up in the morning and get stuck in sputum, sometimes stuck, sometimes not stuckDate of problem:2020-10-10 Patient Information: Age: 18 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, have you been coughing in the last few days? Generally, during the coughing period, the morning will be worse. So you have stuck sputum. Is it hard to cough up sputum? Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you take some cough and.. Read More

Scientific research: Can exercise “4 seconds” achieve the effect of exercise?

Every bit is important. The Translation Bureau is a subordinate translation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives, and new trends. Editor’s note: It’s never too late to start exercising. In fact, any form of exercise is good. It is easy for us to start an exercise, but it is difficult to stick to it. So we must set.. Read More

What medicine should I use for cold hands and feet

Problem description: In winter, hands and feet are cold, sweaty socks are wetDate of problem: 2020-10-10 Patient information: Age: 28 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis:Hello, you are 28 years old, young, cold hands and feet in winter, generally consider circulatory disorders, lack of yang or Psychological factors. It is recommended that you eat more calorie food, keep warm, exercise more, usually massage to Yin and Yongquan points to promote blood.. Read More

Cinema marketing during the Spring Festival promotes growth. How does “Bingquan” upgrade the oral care market?

In September last year, “Bingquan” completed a series A financing of nearly 10 million U.S. dollars from BAI. The popularity of theaters during the Spring Festival this year exceeded expectations, so the brands that benefited from the theater marketing. The emerging toothpaste brand “blispringBingquan” confirmed the Spring Festival cinema marketing in December last year Model:Sign Zhang Yuqi to become the brand spokesperson;SelectFocus Media,Wanda Media and Baobaotang have cooperated, covering more.. Read More