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Do myopia surgery, eyes 400 degrees

Problem description: Hello! Could you please ask if your child is going to be a soldier and must have a myopia surgeryQuestion date: 2020-12-27 Patient information:Age: 18-year-old gender: maleProblem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, this can be done with femtosecond laser surgery. Guide suggestion: This is generally less painful and faster to recover. Even if you are better to go to a regular hospital, you usually need.. Read More

Turn around or turn your head to sleep at night, dizzy and dizzy for a short period of about 15 seconds at the local hospital

Problem description: Turn around or turn your head at night, dizziness, and dizziness for a short period of about 15 seconds. The local hospital is diagnosed with otolithiasis. Consult the doctor, Lan Er, if there is a precise type of otolithiasis reset device. Question date:2020-12-27 Patient information:Age: 27 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: There are symptoms of dizziness at present. This does not rule out the presence of otoliths. This.. Read More

Good doctor: 1. The patient developed weakness in his right arm around September this year.

Problem description: Good doctor: 1. The patient developed weakness in his right arm around September this year and did not pay attention to it; 2. In November, he experienced pain in the chest, cervical spine, and under the collarbone, and stomach (hiccups), which was done in early December. Cupping, acupuncture, and silver needle treatment have some relief; March and December 18, a pathological fracture of the right hand occurred; 4… Read More

Treatment of stasis dermatitis

Problem description: The doctor said it was dermatitis caused by varicose veins. The color was better after the first treatment, but the next one grew again. It has been several years.Date of the problem: 2020-12-27 Patient information:Age: 53 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis:Hello, this situation The main thing is to pay attention to rest at ordinary times and not to be overworked. Guide and suggestion: In normal times, try to.. Read More

Stomach pain during menstruation

Problem description: The picture below is the result of the examination. I haven’t reviewed it yet. I would like to consult first. Menstruation is normal, that is, my stomach hurts when I am menstrual, and my body feels languid. /b>2020-12-27 Patient information:Age: 42 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:42 years old, menstruation is normal, It is stomach pain during menstruation, B-ultrasound examination of adenomyosis. Guiding suggestion: Your current condition is adenomyosis… Read More

What’s wrong with my child’s repeated mouth corners?

Problem description: What is the problem of the child’s repeated mouth corners? What kind of medicine should be used? The child has no history of allergies, and the trace elements are not deficient. What is going on? Question date:2020-12-27 Patient information:Age: 3 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: At present, there are skin allergies in the picture, and food allergies or vitamin deficiencies are not ruled out.Guidelines: You can use vitamin.. Read More

Irregular menstruation, menstruation on August 16, sex on the 26th, no ejaculation

Problem description: Irregular menstruation, menstruation on August 16, sex on the 26th, will you get pregnant without injection?Question date: 2020-12 -27 Patient information:Age: 17 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, ovulation usually occurs before the next menstrual cramp About 14 days. Guidelines: If your menstrual cycle is irregular, the time of ovulation is not easy to estimate, so whether you will become pregnant or not is currently impossible to estimate in.. Read More

Hello, the one who had sex on November 1st seems to have menstruation on the 5th, but the amount is special

Problem description: Hello, the person who had sex on November 1st seems to have menstruation on the 5th, but the amount is very small and only a few drops, and then it has not come until now. During this period, December 10 On the 3rd, I went to the same room again, and the pregnancy test on the 21st of December was not pregnant. May I ask the doctor what.. Read More

Ovulation day 10, ovulation period 5-14, intercourse on the 7th, and the same on the 11th

Problem description: Ovulation days on the 10th, ovulation periods on the 5-14, the same room on the 7th, the same room on the 11th, no pregnancy on the 13th, a very shallow one on the 20th, and 2 obvious on the 27th , Excuse me, who was pregnant that dayQuestion date:2020-12-27 Patient information:Age: 33 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello ovulation usually occurs about 14 days before the next menstrual.. Read More

Sometimes it hurts and bleeds when you have a bowel movement. Sometimes there are many drops or drops.

Problem description: Sometimes it hurts and bleeds when you have a bowel movement. Sometimes there are a lot of drops or a lot of blood when you pull it together. There will be some blood in the stool. Blood clotQuestion date:2020-12-26 Patient information:Age: 16 years old Gender: MaleQuestion Analysis: Hello, consider the situation caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissure based on your description. Guide and suggestion: It is recommended to.. Read More