This article is from WeChat official account:bad review (ID: chaping321), the original title “The company that almost destroyed the entire gaming industry 40 years ago, wanted to reincarnate and sell virtual coins? “Author: small hair, title figure from: Vision China

In the United States in the 1970s and 1980s, a game company called Atari changed the game industry.

The name Atari may be unfamiliar to many young business friends, but at that time, it almost represented the four words “game industry”.

The reason is simple: Atari invented the arcade machine, and then invented the world’s first home cassette game console Atari 2600.

In 1981, Atari set a revenue of 1 billion U.S. dollars, This figure is twice that of the Hollywood movie industry at the time, and three times the ticket revenue of football, basketball, and baseball events!

In 1982, Atari’s 10th anniversary, this year’s annual sales reached 2 billion U.S. dollars, occupying 80% of the game market share, and 1 out of every 3 people in the United States has an Atari 2600 host .

It is said that such a great company, as it continues to develop, where are Microsoft, Sony, and the old people?

Maybe my friends should have heard of one thing, which happened to be related to Atari, and its name was “Atari Shock”.

In the 1980s, the prosperity of the game industry driven by Atari caused all kinds of monsters and monsters to make games and make a fortune, and even companies that sold milk came to blend in. There was a lot of garbage on the Atari platform. Third-party games, all kinds of fake and low-quality games flood the game market.

At this time, consumers are eagerly hoping that Atari can stand up and do a good job,but Atari spent a huge sum of US$25 million to purchase copyright before Christmas in 1982, only to the designer In five weeks, I made a well-known failure “ET”.

To evaluate the game quality of “E.T.”, I can only say that it is worse than shit.

Even the industry’s leading bosses have started to make junk games for the company’s revenue, making consumers eventually lose confidence in the game market.

At that time, the U.S. game market collapsed. No one was willing to spend money to buy games or even touch their own consoles. Atari finally took hundreds of thousands of copies of “ET” and other game cassettes. Buried together.