This article is from WeChat official account:neural reality (ID: neureality), author: Cao Anjie, original title” CIA black history: tracking psychic who “head Figure from: the movie” miracles “

In the early 1970s, Russel Targ moved to Menlo Park. This small California city, which is now the center of Silicon Valley and an important technology town, was still a hot spot for hippies. There are young people with beatles talking about music and psychedelics in the streets and alleys; here are college students who gather in independent bookstores and record stores to talk about peace and love; here are flowers, coasts, endless sunshine, and faintly coming from the wind “All you need is love”. But these are not the reasons why the 38-year-old Russell Tag has decided to move to Menlo Park. In the early 1970s, the CIA began to fund a series of parapsychology studies.

The objects studied by Super Mind are the “super powers” that so-called “supernatural abilities” often claim to possess. These “superpowers” include remote viewing, precognition, telepathy, etc. Although these research topics sound extraordinarily absurd today, for the CIA at the time, they were all projects with great development potential. Many senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency believe that supernatural beings are particularly good for espionage against other countries. Out of this belief, the CIA sponsored many parapsychological studies. Many top research institutes and scientists in the United States have participated in this series of studies. Among them, the Stanford Research Institute International in Menlo Park is one of them. And Russell Tag came for this research.

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Before arriving in Menlo Park, Russell was a laser physicist. He graduated from Queens College of the City University of New York with a bachelor’s degree, and his career has been related to laser technology. However, he knew something about parapsychology since he was a child. Russell’s father was a bookstore owner, and he collected many books related to supernatural beings. And little Russell, who often wanders in the bookstore, naturally has ample opportunities to come into contact with these “long-standing” parapsychological studies. Western society’s academic interest in people with supernatural abilities can be traced back to the end of the 19th century. The “Society for Psychical Research” (Society for Psychical Research) established in the United Kingdom in 1882 is the first society in history to conduct organized and systematic research on human experiences that “challenge contemporary science”.

Following that, the American Society for Spiritual Research, established in New York City in 1884, also planted this seed on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, these societies have been active in people’s vision. However, previous studies are slightly inferior to the plan led by Russell. Whether in terms of its official background or its abundant resources, the research projects of the Stanford International Institute are extraordinary. Another Russell collaborator and project leader, Harold Puthoff (Harold Puthoff), graduated with a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Before joining the Singularity Research Program full-time, Harold, like Russell, was also a leader in laser research. It is hard to imagine any research team that would be able to study the supernatural abilities in a more detailed and comprehensive manner than this Kochi Duojin and official background team to find evidence of the existence of supernatural abilities. But they, Neuroscience expert. In a survey report finally submitted by the committee, 40 pages of pen and ink were devoted to the progress of parapsychological research. These experts visited and investigated special function research institutes across the United States, including but not limited to Stanford International Research Institute, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, and the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. In the end, their conclusion is: “The claimed phenomenon ranges from’uncredible’ to’uncredible’ intolerable.”

The remote viewing projects of Russell Tag and Harold Pusov are naturally under the review of this committee. In fact, experts do not need much research to see the suspiciousness of the Stanford Research Institute’s farsightedness project. First of all, in this decade-long research process of hyperopia, only 28 experiments have been accumulated in this field. Compared with Russell and Harold’s descriptions of hyperopia, these 28 experiments can be said to be pitiful. Of these 28 experiments, only 13 were shown as formal scientific documents. In other words, the remaining 15 are either from informal oral reports at a certain “academic meeting”, or the details recorded in the article are really limited, making it difficult for people to figure out the specific experimental methods. Of these 13 “scientific” experiments, only 9 experiments succeeded in finding evidence of hyperopia. And if you want to say, 9 pieces of evidence are enough to convince you. Then, there is another situation that may be too “coincidental”: 7 out of these 9 successful experiments were performed by Russell Tag and Harold Pusov.

– Philip Giordano-

Are only the people at the Stanford Institute for International Studies mastering the correct experimental methods? What they call a “formal experiment” can hardly be considered rigorous. In the experiment, there are usually two groups of experimenters, one group is sitting in the research institute with the remote viewer, and the other group is responsible for reaching a nearby location within 30 minutes. Thirty minutes later, the remote viewer needs to use the “remote viewing ability” to findFind the latter group of experimenters and use 30 minutes to describe what you saw. Those who stay in the institute with the remote-viewers are responsible for recording the descriptions of the far-sighted persons. After another group of experimenters returned to the institute from their destination, they would listen to the recording to judge how well the description fits the real situation. Such experimental methods must be full of loopholes. In the thirty-minute recording, the “remote viewer” will always provide as many ambiguous descriptions as possible. The experimenters who judge whether these descriptions are consistent with the facts are all eager to see the evidence supporting remote viewing, and they are easily caught by a trick similar to the “Barnum Effect” (Scott, 1988). ).

The Barnum effect means that it is easy for people to believe that some general, vague, empty statements are tailored for themselves. Such effects often make people exclaim the “accuracy” of horoscopes, fortune telling, and certain personality tests. In these remote-viewer experiments, the experimenters who judge whether the descriptions are consistent may have unconsciously fallen into the trap of the Barnum effect. For example, a statement like “I seem to see some… huge… shadow-like things…” is probably universal. Regardless of whether the experimenter went to the vicinity of the shopping center or under the mountain in the wild, a “huge…shadow-like thing” may be judged as a “match”. Of course, there is also some “evidence” that the Barnum effect cannot explain. Just like Price’s paintings—if it was really his paintings—the degree of similarity to satellite photos is something we can see with our own eyes. Today, we naturally cannot trace the specific situation back then. However, it is worth pointing out that such “astounding evidence” can be said to be the only case in the decades-long research on special functions. And this is only one case, and it was obtained by Russell Tag, who was particularly hungry for remote viewing evidence. Such a coincidence is inevitably suspicious.

What is the outcome of the specific research?

In 1995, the American Institute of Research, another third-party review agency, after reviewing this series of special function studies, finally settled: these studies have never brought value to any intelligence operations Information. At this point, the CIA finally decided to terminate any sponsorship of special function research. This absurd research project has finally come to an end after nearly thirty years. However, even such attempts with incomparable resources ended in failure, and today there are still many “scholars”, “researchers” and “parapsychologists” who are constantly trying.

– Xingye Jin-

The Society of Scientific Exploration is a society dedicated to the study of supernatural phenomena including supernatural functions. Today, this society still holds an annual meeting in North America and every other year in Europe An annual meeting aimed at bringing together members from all over the world to “exchange ideas.” Like many serious societies, the Scientific Exploration Society also has its own peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The latest issue of this journal was published on June 22, 2020. The labels of the journal include “telepathy”, “global awareness”, “psychic actuation” and so on. An interesting phenomenon is that this society, which wanders on the fringe of pseudoscience, is not entirely the self-entertainment of “minke”.

The founder of the Society for Scientific Exploration is Peter Sturrock. He is an emeritus professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University. He has made great achievements in his research field. The h-index high 56. And those who currently serve on the editorial board of the “Journal of Scientific Exploration” are scholars with a decent academic background, like Richard Henry, a professor at Johns Hopkins University. Just in 2018, American Psychologists, the official peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association, published a review article (Cardeña, 2018) that summarized parapsychological evidence. The author Etzel Cardeña is a professor of psychology at Lund University in Sweden. In this article published in such a high-profile magazine, he still vowed to declare that the evidence for parapsychological phenomena is comparable to known phenomena in psychology and other disciplines. Although how to understand it