Problem description: Hello, doctor, I got a fire two days ago, and I got a few bubbles in my mouth. After two days of soaking, I got a toothache behind the big tooth on my right hand. I touched it. I feel like a lump of meat swells up, and it hurts when I press it. Before I have a wisdom tooth, what is the reason? I personally think that the possibility of getting angry is relatively high, but the bubble in the mouth is all right. This is not good,
Question date:2020-09-15
Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis:In this case, it is best to look at the picture, what you said is related to getting angry.
Guiding suggestions: First, pay attention to drinking more water. When necessary, I personally suggest that patients can take Lianhua Qingwen Granules by mouth.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination