Problem description: I just have some very strange dreams. Sometimes the dreams are terrible. I have been married to my husband for half a year, and sometimes I dreamed that he left me and chased me After all this, and his parents hate me, they ridiculed me, saying that I can’t give birth to a child, saying that I can’t give birth to a child if I eat his and use his. It’s really useless, it’s all the irony I wake up several times , I don’t know if I should consult you with this question
Question date:2020-09-15
Patient information: Age: 20 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: In this case, the so-called day and night dreams, consider that you still have this kind of fear in your subconscious mind.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended that patients first learn to accept their current life. At the same time, try to keep strengthening your heart.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination