Problem description: I used the erythromycin ointment I bought yesterday, but there was no suppuration, but some blood came out. There is redness and swelling, and a little pain. It is a bump to the touch. Current medication instructions: taking medication, erythromycin ointment.
Question date:2020-09-15
Patient information:Age: Gender:
Question analysis:Hello, according to your description, it is more likely to be considered as a skin abscess. It is recommended to take a picture for me.
Guide advice: For skin infections and abscesses, you can apply erythromycin ointment. Now that you have bought it, apply it first. Pay attention to observation and avoid squeezing the affected area. Pay attention to a light diet. Avoid eating spicy food that stimulates frying, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection