Problem description: I got genital warts and itchy after applying the medicine. What’s the matter?
Question date:2020-09-16
Patient information:Age: 32 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Condyloma acuminata is a HPV virus infection, which can be transmitted through sexual contact. The general treatment methods include laser and cryoremoval. If drugs are used, interferon and other antiviral therapies can be used. The effect is not as good as laser treatment. You are using it now What kind of medicine is it? How long did it take? Are vegetations much longer? Is it convenient to take a picture and have a look?
Guide suggestion: It is suggested that HPV can also be invaded by weak immune system. You should pay attention to regular life and diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more, strengthen immunity, and help the body The HPV virus turns negative.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination