Problem description: I went to the hospital and found that the cortisol was high. Now my temper has become a little bad and irritable. How can I treat it?
Question date:2020-09-22
Patient information:Age: 27 Sex: Male
Clinical surgery for high cortisol treatment.
If cortisol rises, first observe the degree of rise. If it is a mild rise, you can temporarily observe it first, without clinical intervention. If the increase is more obvious, first consider whether there are glucocorticoid drugs among the recently used drugs, such as prednisone, hydrocortisone, and prednisone. The second is to consider whether there are pituitary diseases, such as pituitary adenomas, as well as cortical adenomas, adenocarcinomas and nodular adrenal diseases of the adrenal glands, which can all lead to increased cortisol. For these situations, surgery is taken as the first choice of treatment in clinical practice, and the postoperative remission can be 65%-90%.
Patients should quit smoking and alcohol during treatment, and should not drink coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks and other beverages that are irritating to the body.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination