Problem description: During this period of time, I have caught a cold and have symptoms of back pain. What is the cause of back pain when I caught a cold?
Question date:2020-09-22
Patient information:Age: 39 Gender: Male
A cold back pain may be a viral infection Causes muscle soreness throughout the body.
When a virus infection occurs, the first symptom that appears in the body is a cold, and the body feels pain and fatigue. After this happens, you must usually pay more attention to keep warm, avoid cold, drink plenty of water, and at the same time, you can Cold medicine is used to control the cold and reduce inflammation, thereby alleviating the patient’s symptoms of waist pain.
It is recommended not to eat spicy, pungent, and greasy food. Keep exercising, quit smoking and drinking, and stay away from high-fat foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection