Problem description: I have had a cold in the past two days. I have no fever but have a severe headache. What should I do if I have a cold and a severe headache?
Question date: 2020-09-22
Patient information: Age: 15 Gender: Female
I have a bad headache and need more Replenish water to ensure adequate rest.
If the virus invades the body and causes inflammation throughout the body, headaches caused by fever occur, and the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees, some anti-fever drugs can be used, and some cold drugs can be taken at the same time to relieve the patient’s headache symptoms. If it is headache and vomiting caused by cold and toxic meningitis, it is necessary to improve the lumbar puncture examination, and after the diagnosis is confirmed, active antiviral treatment to lower intracranial pressure to avoid sequelae.
It is recommended to quit smoking and drinking, stay away from raw, cold and spicy foods, and exercise every day to enhance your own resistance.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination