Problem description: I went out yesterday and caught a cold in the rain, and my eyes started to hurt when I got up this morning. What is the cause of the cold and eye pain?
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: Female
Cold eye pain is mainly in the room Caused by increased pressure.
Regardless of common cold or influenza, it will be manifested as nasal congestion and blocked nose, which will increase the residual air volume in the respiratory tract and alveoli. At this time, it is manifested as increased intrapulmonary pressure, which will also lead to increased blood pressure. In addition, because the blood supply in the eyes is relatively abundant and relatively sensitive, when a cold is common, especially when the nasal congestion is severe, the eyes will feel astringent, congested, and painful, mainly due to increased intra-atrial pressure.
It is recommended to pay attention to a light diet, do not eat too greasy food, eat more digestible foods and fresh fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins, and enhance resistance.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination