If you accidentally get hit by a wall, you may have to go to the hospital before going to work. The above information comes from 36Kr, 澎湃News, Ifanr recommended reading Superman evaluation chaorencp

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public number “Superman evaluation” ( ID: chaorencp), the author super brother.

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to go alone on the Tanabata?

\ Monday/

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If the mirror can be re-circled, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?If the mirror can be re-rounded, Tanabata  Do you not have to be alone?

Broken mirrors

Not a fantasy night

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?

Image from Giphy

Participating for a while, compound crematorium.

We often use “breaking mirrors and rounds” to describe the difficulty of a couple or couple.

In real life, “breaking the mirror and re-circling” is not a fantasy. Professor Nishida Sho and others at the University of Tokyo in Japan have developed a glass material TUEG3 that can be re-healed after crushing.

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?

Image from Giphy

Unlike inorganic glass, which is usually composed mainly of silica, TUEG3 is a translucent polymer material and belongs to plexiglass. As long as the broken glass is lightly squeezed, the glass will return to its original shape after 30 seconds.

The researchers used this glass material about 2 cm long, about 1 cm wide, and about 2 mm thick in the experiment. The two pieces of ruptured glass are spliced ​​together and can be restored to their original shape in just 30 seconds at room temperature, and the strength before breaking can be restored in a few hours.

If the mirror can be re-rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?

Squeeze two pieces of broken Glass, the picture comes from a good-looking video screenshot

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?

Glass healing, the picture comes from Good-looking video screenshots

Compared with the traditional repair method, the glass made of glass material TUEG3 can not only achieve the effect of “breaking the mirror and re-circle”, but also leave no glass cracks, which takes into account the user’s requirements for the beauty of the items.

“Broken mirrors” can rely on technology, and the feelings of the two need to be carefully maintained.

But the premise is that you have to have a girlfriend first.

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to go alone on the Tanabata?

Air conditioners

Summer, life is given by air conditioner

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?

Image from Giphy

Since summer, the constant high temperatures have made everyone complain. you could say soGo out for 5 minutes and sweat for 2 hours.

It’s impossible to blow air conditioners at home. After all, I have to go to work, I want to date, and I still have to go out, but have you thought about taking the air conditioner out of the house?

I can’t think of it, I can’t do it. Sony’s internal crowdfunding platform First Flight is really on the line with an air conditioner Reon Pocket that you can carry with you.

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to go alone on the Tanabata?

Reon Pocket’s main device, image from PCM

Reon Pocket’s size is close to a 5-inch smartphone, weighs only 86g, and weighs only 20mm, which is easy to carry, and provides air conditioning and cooling in a small range .

According to Sony’s official data, Reon Pocket can reduce the body’s somatosensory temperature by 13°C (the body temperature drops from 36°C to 23°C).

In order to enhance the comfort of wearing. Sony also has a custom T-Shirt for the Reon Pocket, which has a pocket more than the T we wear every day in the middle of the shoulders.

If the mirror can be re-rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?

Image from First Flight

Although I don’t know how effective the Reon Pocket is. But the price of the people: a device + a customized version of the T-shirt, the standard version of the crowdfunding price of 14080 yen (including tax, about 915 yuan); low version of the crowdfunding price of 12,760 yen (including tax, about 830 RMB). It has been supported by 4,200 people for a total of 69,168,000 yen.

However, Reon Pocket will not be officially delivered until March 2020. This summer, you still have to eat watermelon in the traditional air-conditioned room.

If the mirror can be rounded, do you not have to be alone in Tanabata?