Problem description: My uncle had an aortic dissection operation in the hospital yesterday, and my father said that he should pay special attention to postoperative care. What are the nursing measures after aortic dissection surgery?
Question date:2020-09-26
Patient information:Age: 54 Gender: Male
Nursing after aortic dissection surgery There are many measures.
Patients should pay more attention to rest after the operation, avoid strenuous exercise, and do not do heavy physical activity within six months. The second thing is to pay attention to your diet. Eat more light foods instead of too much greasy and high-salt foods. The third is to monitor blood pressure. You need to take antihypertensive drugs every day. If your blood pressure still rises after taking antihypertensive drugs, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible.
Aortic dissection is a heart disease, so after the operation, the patient should go to the hospital for regular review, so as to determine whether there are other heart diseases.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection