Problem description: After my examination results came out, it showed that I had diabetes, but recently I always feel qi deficiency. How can I treat the qi deficiency caused by diabetes?
Date of the problem:2020-09-27
Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: Female
Diabetes caused by qi deficiency need to adjust diet And appropriate sports medications.
The emergence of diabetes causes qi and blood to need to be adjusted in time. In fact, the emergence of diabetes is likely to cause hypoglycemia or increased blood pressure, so pay attention to active treatment when there is diabetes. And in the diet, you need to pay attention to eating some nutritional value, but you must choose low-sugar or sugar-free foods to achieve the purpose of relief.
After the onset of illness, you should pay attention to adjusting your life habits in time, and not stay up late for a long time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection