Film, variety, games, “VR+” imagination is huge.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Mirror Entertainment” (ID: jingxiangyule), by Ashley, edited by Hua Dong. Authorized to publish.

At the end of 2019, iQiyi is expected to accumulate 10+ parts of its operations, covering 1000+ offline VR experience venues.” Zhang Qihang, senior director of Aiqiyi, said in an interview recently that iQiyi VR has taken the lead Chinalink, China Telecom, and China Mobile have reached a cooperation with the three operators of “5G+VR”.

Aiqiyi actively lays out VR and releases new signals to the market: the ecological boundary of VR+ content is expanding, and VR will gradually penetrate the field of pan-entertainment and provide more business opportunities for TOC.

In the period of capital madness 1.0 from 2015 to 2016, the scale of domestic VR investment increased dramatically, and emerging companies rose rapidly. The superficial prosperity masked the technical problems of the VR industry.

After a brief vent, investment fell sharply, sales of the company shrank, and the cold snap swept the VR industry.

And now, under the new opportunity brought by 5G, VR, which has been quiet for two years, is expected to rise again and transition to the 2.0 era. BAT plus code, VR in the field of entertainment, combined with the prospects of film, animation, variety, drama is also re-optimized.

VR, come back

01.“Inflection point” after the decline of “VR first year”

“The development of any industry has a parabola, plus an inflection point.”

The maturity of VR technology and the improvement of content all take time. In the view of Zhang Qi, senior director of iQiyi, domestic VR technology is “in an overrated state” around 2015, and now the time is right. Very good, from VR experience to sales are getting better.

In 2016, it was once called the domestic “VR first year.” Since 2015, the scale of domestic VR investment has risen sharply, the giants have entered the market, and many listed companies in the secondary market have begun to deploy. VR hardware has become the focus of capital chasing.

However, since the second half of 2016, VR industry investment has shrunk severely. Arrears, resignation, and layoffs have become the key words of the VR industry. The domestic volume and the momentum of the storm mirror and music