Problem description: My eyes are single eyelids, so I cut double eyelids. The double eyelids I cut are 7mm double eyelids. Are the 7mm double eyelids narrow?
Question date:2020-10-01
Patient information:Age: 23 Gender: Female
Double eyelids 7mm does not Very narrow.
According to the overall condition of the eyes of the person seeking beauty, the width of the eyelid is 7mm or 8mm and wider. Generally, the width of the double eyelid is narrow, moderate, and wide. The 4-5mm double eyelid is suitable for most men, and women with very small eye corners or who like natural double eyelids. The width of 6-7mm is a natural size double eyelid, giving a quiet, lovely feeling and width It is 8 to 9mm double eyelid. Generally, this type of double eyelid is the eyes of people who have very large eyes and have a skeleton like Western.
Generally speaking, most people are suitable for the 7mm double eyelid, because the 7mm double eyelid looks more natural, so the 7mm double eyelid is not very narrow.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection