Problem description: I just went to the hospital two days ago to do double eyelids. This morning, I found a small bubble on the inner corner of my eye. Will such a small bubble disappear by itself?
Question date:2020-09-30
Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: Female
After finishing the double eyelid, there is A vesicle will not disappear by itself, and oral anti-inflammatory drugs are required.
If there are vesicles, it means that the wound of the eye is inflamed and infected, and it has not healed well, and it will generally not be eliminated by itself. Vesicles are usually caused by inflammatory stimuli. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken orally, and they will return to normal as the inflammation subsides. It is necessary to go to the plastic surgery department of the hospital for examination to clarify the recovery situation, determine the cause of this situation, and do a good job of treatment and prevention under the guidance of the doctor, usually avoid staying up late and excessive fatigue, and avoid spicy food in the diet food.
You can go to the plastic surgery department of a regular hospital for a review to find out the specific reasons, so as not to delay the condition. Pay attention to light diet in recent days, and do not eat spicy and other irritating foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection