Continuously improve and expand to 24 books. Now, the company will spend a month each year to revise these manuals.

In August 2019, Shu from Xuan took out a thick handbook, one by one, and one by one. He said yes, I have shown you both the family and the secret. He quickly said that for many imitators, you give him these manuals, and how to implement them is another set.

In fact, more valuable than these manuals is the exploration, experimentation and experience of fellow chickens since their establishment. The imitator may be able to see the operation of some manuals, but how to make the whole system work is far from being able to be solved by operation and execution. All of this is condensed in the past and everyday life of fellow chickens.

From farming to catering

If it weren’t for the million-dollar disarmament of the 1980s, Shu Congxuan might be promoted and then stayed in the army. In 1982, the entire division was laid off and his military career came to an abrupt end.

The demobilization returned to the rural areas of Anhui Province, holding the 1,800 yuan in cash given by his parents when he got married. He started farming in the countryside of Hefei. At that time, large-scale introduction of low-cost and fast-growing white chickens on the market could be cultivated in more than 40 days. The chickens had to be raised for more than 180 days. Many farmers and businesses that farmed chickens also followed the white chicken. But Shu Xuan has always insisted on fattening old hens.

In the 1990s, he was already the largest chicken farmer in Hefei, with an average monthly output of more than 600,000. Bai Xuan first raised himself and gave demonstrations to farmers. After maturity, he led the farmers in the nearby area to provide chicken, feed and disease prevention. Later, he took the villagers to the farmer’s market in Hefei counties to find sales.

In the late 1990s, the price of chickens fluctuated drastically due to the influence of the market. Even if he can do it, he does not want to raise chickens in the country for a lifetime, so he thinks about how to make chicken downstream products and expand the value chain. It took him a month to go to Zhejiang to inspect a fast food brand, find out the raw materials, processing, packaging and sales, and think that it is a harmful business, this road can not go.

Shu Chongxuan contracted a chicken farm in the Hefei Economic Development Zone, and during that time, the idea of ​​making a fast food chain was born. At that time, Shu Xiaolong was still studying at the boarding school in Hefei. During the holidays, he returned to the chicken farm in the Economic Development Zone. He often met his father and the team to test the chicken soup. He was particularly sensitive to taste from an early age, and he also picked food. They gave him a bowl of Feixi old hen soup and asked him how he felt. After drinking a few times, Shu Xiaolong thinks this taste can be.

How to make a bowl of chicken soup, how to raise a chicken at the source. Chicken has ancestors, parents and commodities, and Shuxuan is a fellow chicken. The ancestors of the chickens used are the old hens found in the depths of the mountains. They are then with Anhui Agricultural University. Co-cultivation of breeds, ie parents, parentsThe generation of commodity generation will be cultivated in order to be handed over to farmers for breeding.

How is the chicken made?

In addition to chicken species, subsequent breeding, slaughtering and distribution can greatly affect the taste of a bowl of chicken soup. Today, the ingredients used by the fellow chickens are raised at both ends. The farmer raises them for 120 days. After the weight reaches three pounds and two or two, they are raised to the chicken farm for 60 days. The technicians control their diet and epidemic prevention. Food safety requirements, while ensuring a stable supply of goods.

How is the chicken made?

The old hens of Feixi, which have been raised for 180 days, have passed the sample test and passed to the slaughter after passing the test. In order to ensure that the ingredients are fresh, slaughtered and divided ingredients, the next day must be sent to the store through the cold chain, and cooked in the transparent kitchen of 800 restaurants. Every step has a screening, from the farms of the old chickens to the stores, the proportion of ingredients is up to 3%-4%.

Taking the well-received spicy chicken in the chicken restaurant in the village, the chickens are sorted, cleaned, dried, sterilized, blanched, distributed and cooked. The length and frequency of each process must be strictly regulated.

How is the chicken made?

In addition to raising chickens, Shu Congxuan has no experience in fast food chain operations, but he has amazing learning ability. In 1992, he stumbled upon a semi-monthly magazine called “Sales and Markets”. After each period, he must read several times. At the end of the year, he will be bound separately in the first half of the year. If there is a problem in business, he will find it. In 2001, he met a set of Harvard professional managers, and he was fully educated on topics such as management, sales management, organization management, capital operation, financial management, human resource management and corporate culture. Through these books and magazines, Shu Xuan’s vision opened up.

In 1999, Shu Congxuan attended the training and learned that there is a good thing called fast food chain, which is driven by the system and manual. After returning to Hefei, he wanted various ways to collect fast food chain manuals. <,Shanghai.

How is the chicken made?

According to Trout, the chickens after the strategic contraction were changed from “special old hen fast food” to “the largest chain fast food in Anhui”. Strategically speaking, the fellow chickens chose to focus on fast food, and set up Anhui to open the store quickly. After the local leader, after the strong horses, they attacked Nanjing and Shanghai in the south and Wuhan in the west.

In June 2012, after graduating from Kent State University in the United States, Shu Xiaolong entered the fellow chicken founded by his father. He worked in the farm for three months and worked with the employees; then went to the store, from the clerk, the manager, the regional manager, and finally to the general manager of the chicken. In the next few years, he and his father took the fellow chickens to practice their internal strengths and upgrade their products, stores, and systems.

When he was the manager of the Hefei West Second Ring Road store, he sent people to send the company’s latest equipment to the store, then lifted the old equipment and some walls needed to be knocked out. The staff said no, the new equipment will not be used, and it will often be bad, but Shu Xiaolong insists on new equipment. He said that if a new device is successfully tested in a store, it may be promoted to other stores, not only for a store but for the entire company.

When he first took office, he used the rice cooker to make egg yolk. Only the experienced staff can steam out the right egg yolk. When you steam, you have to watch the time. If you accidentally forget the time, you will be steamed. With new equipment, the initial temperature is 40 degrees to put the egg liquid into it, just 7 minutes out; just a new employee, according to the process can make a quality guaranteed egg yolk.

In the years of hard work, in addition to replacing new equipment, fellow chickens began to sort out the process. Usually, fast food restaurants require that products cannot be timed out. The taste and quality of products that have timed out are greatly declining. They need to be scrapped; they can’t sell out of stock, and consumers can’t order a dish. In the fellow chicken, all ingredients are sent to the cold and cold boxes of the restaurant by cold chain logistics vehicles. When cooking, the ingredients are first taken out for thawing and washing. In order to ensure soft and crispy skin, the chicken meat of the stew is also subjected to “massage” and then simmered for 60 minutes with Nongfu Spring. In the past, the store sold out of stock, and found that the ingredients have not been thawed, and the staff rushed to make a dish, the taste is definitely not good.

How do you sort through the process? Shu Xiaolong thought of the coordination method he had learned as a child. He roughly estimates the sales volume of each dish in each time according to the daily sales data of the store, and then pushes the whole production and cooking links, such as when to unfreeze the ingredients, how much to thaw, when to start cooking, how much to cook, and then determine each Step by step” data-img-size-val=”1080,720″>

How is the chicken made?

As a further step, Shu Xiaolong set up a new food center in the old chicken, responsible for new product development, equipment iteration, store model iteration, and factory process research. In addition to the new food and beverage center, he also encourages the company to launch stores to innovate and improve. Once the innovation is credible, the proposer will be rewarded.

In the past few years, under the leadership of Shu Congxuan and Shu Xiaolong, the fellow chicken has greatly improved the store design, dining experience and operation system, and introduced digital and IT technology to include suppliers, central kitchens and stores. Digital management path.

After 2016, the fellow chickens who have practiced their internal strengths have successively entered Nanjing, Wuhan and Shanghai. This time, they succeeded. As the store model matures, replication expansion becomes easier.

As of now, there are more than 100 stores in Nanjing and Wuhan.

How much imagination does the future have?

Starting from the breeding in the 1980s, and later entering the fast food chain, and now becoming a Chinese fast food chain star enterprise, the fellow chicken is the cause of two generations. Nowadays, it is at the key point of the new and the old, on the one hand, the shift and inheritance of two generations, and on the other hand, the Chinese fast food chain has gone from tradition to modernity.

How is the chicken made?

In 1985, on the day of Shu Cong Xuan’s 23rd birthday, he set a long list of goals for his future life: 30,000 yuan for 30 years old, 1 million for 40 years old, and 1,000 yuan for 50 years old. Ten thousand, earned 100 million yuan at the age of 60. After thirty-four years have passed, the old goal has become the talk of today. In the interview, Shu Cong Xuan even felt that the goal at the time was a bit ridiculous. Now I want to make a good meal for all the customers. This is his new goal.

Recalling his father’s more than 30 years of ordinary but not dull entrepreneurial experience, Shu Xiaolong felt that his biggest change was that he changed from a self-employed person to a corporatized operator; at the same time, with the rich experience of life, Continuous development of vision, he is one