Problem description: I feel boring to live, but I don’t want to die. I don’t know what it means to be alive. I feel that my heart is no longer supported. I feel so tired every day. I’m confused when I learn to sleep, learning to sleep is very empty, and I’m going to take an exam soon. I’m afraid of what to do if I don’t make any progress or even regress… and I feel very uncomfortable and lonely at school. The teachers also think I am not talking
Question date:2020-10-11
Patient information:Age: 14 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, this is a common psychological problem in adolescence. You must adjust yourself to overcome negative emotions. In fact, it is normal for learning to not progress or regress, and it is necessary to treat it correctly.
Guiding suggestions: I suggest that you can tell your parents or classmates what you think in your heart. Learning must be important, but the body is more important. You must pay attention to overcome negative emotions and avoid too much pressure. Face it positively and use pressure as motivation. Always pay attention to exercise more, communicate more with classmates, communicate, make yourself cheerful and lively.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection