Problem description: Hello teacher, I came for my period from September 22 to the present. Yesterday I went to have a vaginal examination. The snow test was all right. I bleed a lot from October 3 to today. Yesterday After finishing the vagina, there will be more vaginas. The doctor prescribed Yasmin for me. I took one tablet every night. I only started eating last night, and I still have more today.
Question date:2020-10-12
Patient information:Age: 38 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, if there is no problem with the B-ultrasound, vaginal bleeding may be caused by endocrine disorders. If the bleeding is stopped, the dosage can be adjusted.
Guidelines: It is recommended to take Yasmin for one day 2 times, take one tablet each time. After the blood is obviously stopped, change to oral one tablet a day
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination