Problem description: I always feel back pain recently, and I feel that my waist is not using any strength. In severe cases, it feels like a broken pain. It is not convenient to walk. I don’t dare to lie down when I sleep at night. Sleep, let alone bend over or carry heavy things. What is the frequent back pain?
Date of problem:2020-10-08
Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: Female
Frequent low back pain may be caused by lumbar intervertebral disc Prominent compression caused by nerves.
Long-term low back pain is uncomfortable, which may be caused by lumbar muscle strain, lumbar spondylolisthesis, lumbar disc herniation and other problems. Gynecological pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, etc., may also cause low back pain. Lumbar spine X-rays can be routinely improved, and if necessary, lumbar spine MRI or CT examination can be combined to determine the cause. If you consider gynecological diseases, you can improve gynecological color Doppler ultrasound, which is conducive to determination. According to different reasons, do the corresponding treatment. For example, lumbar muscle strain can be massaged locally. If it is a more serious spondylolisthesis, surgical treatment needs to be considered.
Suggestion: Usually be careful not to sit for a long time, and do not catch cold. Pay attention to rest, avoid excessive fatigue, reduce bending, you can give massage or waist braking and other treatments.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection