Modern people’s dependence on mobile phones is probably from the advent of the App Store in 2008. Since then, mobile phones are no longer just tools for making phone calls and texting, but also an extension of human organs, in offices, homes, subways, and elevators. The low-headed family is everywhere, and a new term has been born for this: mobile phone dependence.

We use mobile phones to chat, pay, taxi, take-away, play games… It’s not so much about relying on mobile phones, not to mention that mobile apps that are inseparable from life, so recently Aurora Big Data reports that China Mobile netizens installed 56 applications per person. Many people initially suspiciously opened the phone and silently opened the phone for a while. Finally, there is a data that has not dragged the motherland and even led the people of the country and proudly stood up.

56 applications per person, more or less?

However, loading more does not mean much more, let alone the eye