Problem description: I checked it out that I was pregnant for a month, but I was not feeling well today. I went to the hospital for a check and found that it was appendicitis. Can I perform appendicitis surgery during pregnancy?
Question date:2020-10-22
Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: Female
Appendicitis surgery can be done during pregnancy.
If it is early appendicitis or suppurative appendicitis without perforation, it is recommended to choose minimally invasive surgery. Compared with traditional surgical treatment methods, minimally invasive surgery has a small incision and less stimulation to the uterus during the operation, which will minimize the impact on the fetus. Moreover, in the third trimester of pregnancy, the appendix will be pushed up by the enlarged uterus to the vicinity of the umbilicus, and the minimally invasive surgical incision is in the belly button fold, which is relatively easy to operate. In addition, the quick recovery after minimally invasive surgery is very helpful to the early recovery of pregnant women.
It is recommended to pay attention to your own eating habits and living habits, eat more healthy and nutritious foods, avoid spicy stimulation, and ensure a good life schedule.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection