Problem description: I have a slight drooping of the left eyelid. I have no other symptoms for about 2 years. I recently had a blood test for muscle weakness and a brain MRI. I want the doctor to help me read the examination report. What should I do next?
Question date:2020-11-11
Patient information:Age: 47 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Judging from the results of the examination, it does not explain any important issues. The results can be further reviewed. From the perspective of symptoms, it is not like muscle weakness, but more like peripheral neuropathy. The treatment is mainly oral medication and reasonable treatment. There is no better treatment.
Guide and suggestion: Each person’s recovery situation is different. The longer the duration of existence, the worse the recovery effect will be. The general routine treatment is acupuncture, combined with oral medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and nourishing nerves. medical treatement.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection