Problem description: Main symptom: Acne with yellow pus on the foot, accompanied by local itching, changes in the condition: At first, only one foot had small particles of acne, probably I have not seen a doctor for 3 years, but it spreads to the instep and sole. Need help: I ​​want to know the name of the disease, the cause and the contraindications, and I need drugs. Age: 17 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis: According to your description and picture, first consider whether there is the possibility of fungal infection, which is the so-called The possibility of athlete’s foot.
Guide and suggestion: At present, the skin has been broken, first of all, it needs to be disinfected. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to local hygiene. In addition, after the wound has grown up, you can consider using some anti-early For treatment, such as terbinafine cream can be considered.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection